I'll Give You A Hand

Even when knowing this, the captain kept his loud mouth shut. He just felt like….. It was not the right time to bring it up. And he must not bring it up in front of the shady doctor at all cost.

He may not be as observant as Stein, but he has the intuition that had kept him surviving all these years. And he trusts that intuition.

There is truly more to this master-servant duo, and he cannot stop himself from digging further.

They explored more parts of the house. There was a dusty cellar filled with papers and papers, all scribbles and writings of the four-eyed doctor's father. The Snow Queen was really invested in them, and the captain could not make a head or tails of why he or anyone would be invested in such a thing. Unless it was discoveries about distant lands, he would barely give them a glance.