Let's Meet Behind Closed Doors

This extra chapter is dedicated to Jentrix14. Thank you for the review!


Zhe Chouhen let go of Daoist Panda for now, but still sat very close to him on the bed, looking like a very happy and satisfied puppy.

"Wow.... So you're not a fatty panda anymore." Zhe Chouhen observed him from head to toe. "How'd you do it? And what made you choose Walter Clerval out of all of the characters?"

"I chose it since it's what the Teach..... no, the skull mask, would least expect me to do." He explained. "And besides, Walter Clerval is the second character that gets to interact with you the most. I never really planned to reveal myself since it's too risky to do so in a place where I haven't put up a talisman. Yet you luckily figured it out."

"Heh, I'm really smart, right?" Zhe Chouhen's ego was so high it had reached outer space. "Tell me I'm smart, Panda-laoshi!"