Let's Stroll In The Park

  The police station of their area is not that far from their home. The problem is that they cannot be sure which station has the information about Andres Cervantez' death. Could it be in Charlottenburg, where the Academy of Scientific Pursuits was? If so, that would mean that the death had happened there, and that would have made big news for the academy, a stain on their name. So no, that would be crossed out.

So where did Andres die exactly? It could be anywhere in this large city, and they do not have all day to look for it. Franklin will return home soon.

Stein then recalled something. He asked himself. "Are there any orchards near here?"

The captain's ears perked up at this. "Orchards? Of what fruit?"

"I think it's....." Stein tried hard to have a clearer grasp of the memory. "Either apples or peaches."