I Trust You

"I see... So you have found my journal, decided to investigate, and found about the part of my life that I would have rather stay hidden?" His master chuckled. "Ah, it is my fault anyway. Letting the journal slip from my bag. I should have burned it long ago..."

"No, Master Franklin. It's all my fault. I doubted you. I mistrusted you." Stein kept his head down.

"Well, it is really common for humans to be overcome with curiosity when faced with the unknown." He turned to the sea captain who just standing by the side, mouth agape from this display. 'Franklin' gave a smug smile. "Right, Captain?"

Stein also turned to him with a glare, as if chiding him with his looks and telling him to apologize.

The captain was reluctant, he doesn't want to apologize to this four-eyes smartypants at all. Besides, he didn't have anything to hide anyway, and he said that it is his fault for leaving the journal behind. So why should he apologize?