The captain had reached the kitchen, and they have to separate from each other again. Stein really wants to get rid of this nuisance, life would be much sweeter for him and Franklin without this other person.
"Ah, captain! It is good that you are awake." 'Franklin' greeted him amicably, though not too much as to raise suspicion. "Tell me, do you know much about baking? It is my first time delving into such a thing because I wanted something new for our breakfast."
"I do not know much. I have never baked." Captain Clerval answered.
(But as Daoist Panda, not this character you play as? I remember you baking a cake for yourself on your birthday.) He heard Zhe Chouhen ask in his head.
[Yes... What is this, Zhe Chouhen? Stop acting weird!]