Always Be By My Side, Brother

"Samuel, it's time to wake up now. We'll have a performance at six, depeche! Depeche kow!"

Someone close beside him shook him while telling him to hurry in French Creole.

"Five more minutes, fre....." He muttered sleepily.

His big brother sighed. "We don't have five minutes, little brother. The show will start in an hour, and we still have to wear our costumes."

He can only rub his eyes and yawn, as he starts to get from bed. "Alright."

He and his big brother walked at the same time outside the room. Samson is not really the eldest between the two, or at least, there's no way of knowing. They are born on the same day, at the same hour, and perhaps the same minute. He just acts more mature compared to the lethargic and moony-eyed Samuel.

They must do everything together, that's why even if one awakes, he cannot leave the other behind. They are like a pair of wings. Never one without the other.