I Hate You

The next morning, Zhe Chouhen woke up early and was determined to do something about the events last night. 

He slowly lifted Stein's arm that was wrapped around him, and move carefully, but not slowly. The trick when trying to stealth your way around someone is to not move slowly, and make every second count. Most people make the mistake that if they move slowly, they are being careful, but that's not often the case. The slower your movements are, the more time you spend trying to escape, and the more chances for mistakes and slip-ups to be made.

He moved quickly, each movement precise and deliberate. He had reached the door, which was luckily not fully closed, and swung it open, before closing it as quiet as he can.


Once he closed it, he waited to listen for a while. There was no sounds of Stein making any movements. He sighed in relief.

Now, time to go see what's going on with Daoist Panda.