You Are My Most Beautiful Nightmare

"Hah.... What the fuck...." He groaned and mumbled as he rubbed a hand over his face. Right beside him was a sleeping Stein that was not bothered at all by his movements, sleeping soundly as baby.

Thus, Zhe Chouhen cursed more and stirred about, trying to wake himself up from that..... that messed-up dream. More than messed up. It's beyond levels of fucked-up.


Why did he dream of Daoist Panda in such a way!?

What does this even mean!?

In this dream, he was even aware of Daoist Panda's thoughts, or at least, the thoughts and emotions of his version in the dream. How he had been constantly thinking of Zhe Chouhen causing him to look always occupied, how frustrated he was by their circumstances of playing as characters in this book. In real life, Zhe Chouhen did notice that Daoist Panda is acting more spacy than usual, but.....

He never thought it must be because he likes him.

Why would he like him in the first place?