Spread Your Legs--- Er, Spread Your Wings

Stein told him everything, all the memories in that dream he had received. In the end, he gave a solemn wish.

"I hope this shall not happen again. I hope this is the last owner that I will remember. If I have ever encountered one of my body's owner, either in person or through some other way like I did with Andres, you would tell me, right? So I could steel myself and attempt not to have their influence in my mind."

"I will." 'Franklin' nodded.

Stein was relieved at this promise, and sighed. He gave 'Franklin' a sweet smile and held his hand.

"How are you feeling now?" He decided to ask now that all things are settled. "Are you hungry? Walter would soon return with the food, but you must take small bites and eat slowly because your body may be adjusting---"

"Walter?" Zhe Chouhen's face brightened upon the realization that Stein called the captain by his first name.