You Are My Greatest Hunting Display

After the death of Samuel Fleury, Stein from the book 'Frank and Stein' had started to have doubts.

He was very distraught that such an event happened to them. It was unexpected and thoroughly unprecedented, there was no warning that it would come to that just from bringing this couple to Haus Storitz. He cried as the police took the body and Mrs. Fleury, then questioned them.

Being involved in a crime, even when you are not the perpetrator and merely a witness, was a very grueling event for Stein. It drained his energy and for days he cannot eat or sleep properly thinking about it. What had happened in the past, what he must say, what he should feel..... It all felt like he must tread carefully on thin ice. 

The seconds itself felt long, and the longer it went unsettled and still being a hindrance in his life, the more he became agitated.