You Know My Truth

While Stein was having this strange dream, Zhe Chouhen quietly made his way to visit Captain Clerval's room once again.

He did not have to rap at the door and simply spoke on his mind, waiting for a reply.

(Panda-laoshi, can you let me inside?)

A few seconds later, he heard a shuffling inside, and a tired-looking Captain Clerval greeted him once the door swung open. "Come quickly."

That was all he said. Zhe Chouhen followed suit. 

Once the door was closed, he awkwardly asked. "How.... How are you feeling? What exactly happened back at the asylum, did you change anything?"

Daoist Panda sat back to his bed and crossed his legs over the other. "I didn't. Well, not deliberately. Stein naturally loosened up to me, though it must be caused by the closeness I have established during the period of your unconsciousness."

Zhe Chouhen grinned and sat by his side. But as he did.....