"This hearing shall determine the punishment of the convicted, Evan Hartmann, in the year of our Lord 1883. The hearing shall proceed."
"The convicted shall be publicly executed for the grievous and inhumane crimes he had done, in the form of beheading. Any objections?"
"The jury had made their decision. The convicted shall be executed in Alexanderplatz, under the guillotine at the 20th day of the month. The trial has reached its conclusion."
The court trial went quickly, as it does in the 19th century. There are judges and jurors indeed, yet rarely any lawyers were supplemented, and in the case of Evan Hartmann, once of the easiest case to reach its conclusion from how clear-cut it was that he was guilty, and with murder no less which deserves a capital punishment.....
There was not really any reason to drag the trial any further. Everyone who have heard of the news wanted his head in a basket.