Let's Meet in Another Life

Zhe Chouhen waited in a lone cell, his head down and swimming deep on his thoughts. Many of the wardens interpreted this as him facing his guilt and being remorseful of all the past malices and evilness he has committed.

But they were wrong.

It was not the past that he dreads. It was the future. 

As always, the future is uncertain. He had learned about that the hard way since being transmigrated. Had he known that his static life of just being a BL-obsessed NEET loser would change into this, he would have stayed 'sayonara' and jumped from a tall building after graduation.

But it was inevitable, he felt. Perhaps fate does exist, and the bullshit that people in the comment section of the story always say to those who envies the life of the characters is true.

"You are the protagonist of your own story."