Aftermath (Part 3)

"The other side has won, Teacher. We have played right into their hands."

"Let them win for now." The Teacher said in his golden throne, rubbing his forehead with his remaining hand. "I strike that deal so the game will continue. It was a sacrifice that needed to be made."

"Stein Evans will return shortly after being shot by the Berlin police while holding Franklin Storitz' head. His love for him knows no bounds and exceeds even the limitations of folly, it was insanity!" The man holding the gun that shot Daoist Panda exclaimed.  "I shall end him as well for his incompetence---"

"Stein is not to blame. Everyone must forget before entering the Doors of Fate." The Teacher waved his weapon away. "I have already cheated by handing over information to Franklin Storitz before the Champion occupied his body."