Ridin' Your Horse like a Cowboy

Jonathan Harker found himself sleeping on a bed. Not his bed, which caused him to wake up with a jolt.

"Ah!" He screamed, but realized why he was there. 

"Right. Transylvania." He rubbed his forehead. The glass windowpanes styled in an old way with the panes being decorated with wooden engravings as well as silver linings were all covered by thick black windows.

He pulled those windows aside. "Ah, that's much better."

After doing his early morning prayer, which included a prayer for Wilhelm's well-being and good health, he then went to call his friend. He checked his phone, and saw that Wilhelm was not online yet.

"Must be sleeping late again after watching anime or reading webnovels all night." He muttered. 

He stretched his limbs and tried to remember how he went from being in the Student Council office and all the way to this room, which he was completely unfamiliar with.