Go to Spring Dance with Me

Jonathan Harker was confused by what just happened. Why was a boy bleeding? Why did Mr. Redd chase after him?

Perhaps he had a strong sense of justice from being a Student Council President. But this brings him another huge problem.

"If the teacher asked me where he was and I told them he folliwed after a suicidal boy, that will bring major consequences to the exchange program." He sighed exasperatedly. "Our school's image must be getting worse and worse to him. This is a disaster of a first day."

He was deciding whether he should follow or not to neutralized the situation, but someone called out to him.

"Hey, Jonathan! Class is starting soon, what are you standing there for?"

It was Wilhelm, and right beside him was Luka. 

Luka was a blond like him but he was slimmer and more feminine looking, and very pretty too. He had his arm slung around Wilhelm's shoulder and fake-crying.