You Lied to Me

"It all begun when I was writing my very first book." Panda started.

"Wasn't it the Journey to the West retelling?" Zhe Chouhen asked. 

"No.... It was a book earlier than that, which I deleted once I gained traction from The Western Romance." Panda cringed at his own title.

"Why did you delete it?' Zhe Chouhen asked.

 "It's a cringey fanfic, actually...." He scratched his head. 

Zhe Chouhen then grinned. "Aren;t that like all your books, though?"

Panda gave him a deadly expression,and Zhe Chouhen raised his hands defensively. "I'm just joking! I just joking! All your works are masterpieces, the best of their kind! That's why I can't stop reading them!"

"No need to flatter me, I'm not easily offended." Daoist Panda looked away, face blushing. "Plus you said worse things back when you don't love me yet...."

"And I apologize for all those things, my love." Zhe Chouhen took his hand and kissed it. "Pwease forgive me, okay?~"