You Accept Me

July 4th 20XX

Dear Diary,

I never knew when he first appeared over my bed. But then again, I rarely knew anything.

I was born in a world that rejects the very things that makes me myself. I ignored that before, but I knew it now.

When he came into my life, I came to realize the futility of it all. Praying to God, repressing what I truly am, letting life eat away what I am and what I truly must be. Feeding on my fears.

Yes, the world drinks up from my anxieties, and I just allow it.

Wilhelm had always been right, blessed his soul where it may be. 

Anyway, he first appeared at my bedside at a certain time of day, not at night. That was what I most recall to be his first appearance.

He did not talk to me for a while. He just watched.

He watched as I went out of bed. Followed me all the way to the bathroom mirror, staring with those penetrating eyes as I brushed my teeth. Stayed watching as I gargled and cleanse with water.