
Two weeks had already passed and Ning Quio was being discharged today.

"Sister in law my brother is now rushing from overseas, he said to wait for him but it'll be better if we went home alright?", Lu Laotang pleaded.

"What if he gets annoyed? We haven't seen each other in three days now!", Ning Quio pouted.

"I know right? Even Bai Yei and I haven't seen each other for about a week now! Moreover it's the doctor's fault, he said you'll be discharged next week but all of a sudden he said you could be discharged today!", Lu Laotang said.

His brother had called him earlier saying he should not leave the hospital with Ning Quio unless he Lu Laoyang arrived!

"Alright let's go! If your brother gets angry I'll make sure I escape all punishment and he'll vent it on you!", Ning Quio said.