"Yun Zhang, I heard that your twin sister is arriving today", A fat student in glasses turned to the handsome student beside him.

It was lunch time and the two sat in a corner chatting. The whole canteen was noisy as students moved about and chatted.

"I told you not to mention that girl, hearing about her annoys me", Yun Zhang said in annoyance and frowned.

"Isn't it a bit melodramatic? She's been missing for seventeen good years. I've never heard of such a real life story", said Gu Zhi, the girlfriend of Yun Zhang.

She was a blonde head with short hair and beautiful features.

She was the envy of many girls because Yun Zhang was extremely handsome and had good grades.

Yun Zhang had short black hair, cute almond eyes, small pink lips and a small pointed nose. He was also quite masculine but was known for being arrogant.

The whole Jin city knew about the arrival of Yun Zhang's sister because the Yun family was a very powerful family.

Everyone was waiting for the arrival of the youngest daughter and child of the Yun family who had been missing for seventeen good years.

The girl had been stolen a few days after her birth and the Yun family had searched every corner of Country A and it's surrounding countries but she was never found.

A few years later, the Yun family adopted a new daughter to replace the missing one.

Madam Yun however, could not accept the fact that her real daughter was missing and continued searching for her each and every day.

A few days ago, she had heard news from her private investigator about a girl who looked exactly like her from the countryside. They had their DNAs tested and she turned out to be her daughter.

Madam Yun had been so excited and happy and left to bring back her missing daughter today.

Yun Jinzi, her husband had some business at the company so he could not escort her to bring back their daughter.

Yun Zhang was not happy about the arrival of his real twin sister because he knew that his adopted sister, Yun Shinzi would not be treated like before.

Meanwhile, Madam Yun was almost done packing her daughter's luggage.

She took a look at her daughter, Yun Xinxi who looked almost like her twin brother, Yun Zhang.

Yun Xinxi had very pale and white skin, small almond shaped eyes, a flawless face without pimples or acne and a small pointed nose.

Yun Xinxi was beyond the word, gorgeous. She was more than that word.

Her daughter, Yun Xinxi bade her last goodbye to her adopted parents before getting into the car of her mother.

Madam Yun had Yun Xinxi sit right beside her at the backseat.

Yun Xinxi was not interested in making a conversation with the strange woman who turned out to be her real mother.

She cuddled herself into the corner and plug in her earphones.

Madam Yun sighed when she saw how her daughter behaved coldly towards her.

She had so many things that she wanted to tell her daughter but she realized that she had to wait.

She decided that it was best not to force her but instead to give her some time to get used to her new family.

Ever since childhood, Yun Xinxi knew that she was not the real daughter of the family she was staying with.

That was because she looked nothing like them, she was way too different from them.

Unlike them, she had very long black hair and a very pale but white skin.

Yun Xinxi was very pretty and attracted the attention of anyone who laid their eyes upon on.

She had a massive beauty that was rare, it was rare to meet people with such beautiful features like her.

Her adopted family, the Shen family, had never mentioned the fact that she was not their daughter until a few days ago when her real mother came by.

When Yun Xinxi had first heard that her real family had come by and wanted to take her away, she had instantly said that she was not going with them.

Her adopted family pleaded with her so many times to go because they wanted to see her live a good life.

Yun Xinxi hated seeing her adoptive mother in tears so she had no other option but to agree.

She had previously been called, Shen Xi but her real mother had immediately changed her name to a name she wasn't used to.

It was a long distance from the countryside to Jin city and the drive took almost five hours.

Madam Yun continued to steal glances at her daughter from time to time. She could not help but admire how beautiful her daughter was.

Yun Xinxi felt a bit sleepy but she wasn't feeling comfortable in the presence of the strange person so she could not sleep.

She only closed her eyes and leaned against the seat pretending to be asleep, she did not want the woman beside her to disturb her with questions.

Yun Xinxi received a notification, she clicked open her phone and tapped on the message.

[ Devil: Little vixen, I heard you found your real family]

Yun Xinxi closed the message, she was going to reply later.

There was one thing she was glad about, the woman beside her did not sneak to watch her message and gave her her privacy.

A few hours later...

Yun Xinxi and her mother arrived in front of a huge mansion.

Numerous security guards rushed over to open the gate.

The car drove in and slowly parked in front of the mansion.

Dozens of servants rushed out and lined up.

"Take the luggage to her room", Madam Yun instructed.

The servants nodded and headed inside with Yun Xinxi's luggage.

Yun Xinxi only brought along a suitcase and one sac of clothes.

"Let's go in, I'll show you to your room and around the house", Madam Yun said. She approached Yun Xinxi to wrap her arms around hers but Yun Xinxi swiftly dodged and moved ahead of her.

Ever since they had left her adoptive parents house, she had never spoken a single word.

Yun Xinxi had just stepped in when she bumped into another girl of her age.


Thank you for reading this chapter, I hope you enjoyed it.

Love y'all...

Check out my other novels:

Queen of Ashes

Flames of Love