Cultivation Realms

It has been two months since I got 'True Void Sutra'. What's interesting is, since I got this technique, I have been experiencing physical change in the daily basis. Now I can walk. Not properly but seeing my current performance, within a week, I should be able to walk properly. Also, I think it is changing my soul to some degree as well. I have begun to think calmly and there are less and less distracting thoughts in my mind.

The pleasant-looking girl still stays all day with me. Sometimes I wonder whether she has to cultivate or not. Also, our bathing routine remains the same. Now that I could move, I decided to be a little touchy. But I would limit myself. I don't want them to know my mental age at all. Who knows, maybe one day a random person will come and look at me with glowing eyes and could tell that that I am a reincarnated youth.

So, I decided to obediently grow properly. Once I am four years old, I will start to behave more openly. Together with my physique, I would surely be held as a genius.

After I got the cultivation manual, I decided to check out information about cultivation. There was indeed a lot of information about cultivation recorded in my mind along with the cultivation manual. This manual has no language. It is as if: what I want to know, I will know. I just have to think about the related topic then I would get the information. But it is somehow limited to basic knowledge only. But I am still thankful to the almighty being for giving me small additional gift. Also, another mysterious rune has started to form in my head and I don't know what it is for.


Also, isn't it common to have at least three different realms in a cultivation world?


It seems, cultivation is divided into nine levels in lower dimension. It could also be simply said as 'mortal nine realms of cultivation'.

The first level of cultivation is known as the 'Mortal Foundation'. In this realm, the mortal body is trained to the limit. This realm is accessible to all those who has 'Qi meridians'. In this realm, cultivators follow different guidelines to train their bodies with the help of special energy called 'Qi' present in the surrounding. There is no need of any special cultivation manual in this stage but if cultivation manual is provided then it is best to follow its instruction. Afterall, cultivation manuals couldn't be faked with heaven as a judge. This realm is also where a cultivator is required to strain the meridians to the limit. As the first realm of cultivation, it is very important to increase the base-physical qualities because when climbing to higher realms of cultivation, the power increased is some multiple of your base-power. So undoubtly, cultivators with special physique will mostly hail advantageous over other normal cultivators.


In this world, it seems, everybody can cultivate. Everyone in this world has a separate hollow meridian system in the body. These meridians are only used for regulating Qi. So, climbing till first stage of cultivator is possible for all. But the real problem lies in the 'Dantian'.

Dantian is a hollow separate dimension present in a body of any conscious being. Dantian could appear in any part of the body as it is the only thing that is related to the soul that is physically connected to the body. Mostly dantian will only appear in a place where there is strong connection between soul and body. Right below navel, heart and cerebellum are the most common places where dantian is formed. They are also called lower, middle and upper dantian respectively. It is widely acknowledged that those whose dantian right below navel will have more talent for essence cultivation than body or soul cultivation. Similarly, those who have dantian in their heart will have more talent for body cultivation and those having dantian in cerebellum will make a cultivator more talented in soul cultivation. There are also cases of cultivators born with more than one dantian. These cultivators are very rare and generally classified as star cultivator. Generally, cultivators with one dantian are called one-star cultivator or simply 'cultivator', and similarly there are two-star and three-star cultivator. There are also some ultra-legendary cases of beings born with more than three dantian. These peoples are called with many names; such as: Abnormality, Heathen, Anomaly, Deviant, Lucky bastards, beautiful fairy and so on.


Only those, whose dantian is open from birth can cultivate to higher realms. If the dantian/s is/are not open, cultivators could open it with long time accumulation of qi in meridian and brute forcing through the blockage, or through the use of alchemy pills which are generally cheap, organic and healthy.

In this world, the grade of the cultivation technique is divided according to its maker. If the person who made the cultivation manual is in the 'mortal foundation' stage. Then, that cultivation manual is labeled as a first-grade cultivation technique. Similarly, if it is made by a shattering-void tier cultivator; then it is labeled as a ninth-grade cultivation technique.

It is so because of differences in understanding of cultivation and laws between cultivators. If a shattering-void tier cultivator specifically made a technique for a low level of cultivation stage, then it is classified as a top-grade technique of that specific level.


Even among the same level of technique, there would be a difference. The top-level first-grade technique developed by shattering void tier cultivator is always better than the top-level first-grade technique developed by the cultivator of the core fusion stage. Also, if a technique is made by cultivators of the same realms; then the cultivator whose understanding towards laws and cultivation is greater will make a better cultivation technique.


After the mortal foundation stage, there is the 'Qi Refining' stage. In this stage, a cultivator has to circulate absorbed Qi within Qi meridians according to the cultivation manual; and develop Qi routes in the body where Qi is refined for a cultivator's need; and finally store qi in dantian.


From this stage onwards, the level of the cultivation manual is very important. The higher rank techniques have longer qi routes and covers more parts of the body than the lower rank techniques.


There is a complex system of the Qi meridian present in the body. Cultivation manual helps to make a special pathway that will carry qi to the dantian refining it in the process. A second-grade cultivation technique helps to build simple qi routes that cover only one major meridian and thirteen to fourteen minor meridians. But a ninth-grade technique helps to build specific qi routes that cover all the eight major meridians and all the one hundred-eight minor meridians present in the body. So, a second-grade technique only develops the body in one direction whereas a ninth-grade technique develops the body in an all-rounded way.


Cultivators of this realm develop a 'false spiritual body'; so, this stage is also called the 'Spiritual Foundation stage'.

A person can also choose a higher-level technique in the future but patching or re-mending the flaws already present is hard and takes time. The importance of a good cultivation manual is more important at later levels. Also, higher-level techniques makes the absorbed qi purer and denser while refining.


The third stage of cultivation is called the 'Core Formation' stage. In this stage, cultivators would form an illusionary core in the dantian. The shape of the core can be anything. Most cultivators will form their illusionary core according to their cultivation technique as it is the compiled wisdom of a higher-level cultivator. Only someone with great confidence or a special physique will try to make a core according to their design. In this stage, the accumulated qi in the dantian liquefies.

The pleasant-looking girl took the shape of the sphere. This stage is the preparatory stage for the next realm.


The next realm is called the 'Core Consolidation' realm. In this realm, the illusionary core is solidified and brought to reality. Solidification can be done by condensing liquefied qi into a solid structure according to the cultivation technique. Not following the cultivation method is also feasible but it will take a longer time to shape the core properly. This core is called essence core.

These four realms fall under the accumulation system. In these four realms, there is no need for cultivators to comprehend laws. Only accumulation of qi is needed in these realms.

These realms also mainly cultivates qi and body.

Also, some special cultivation methods will focus more on the body than qi or essence. If a cultivator follows this type of technique, then his physical strength and defense will be greater than the physique of a normal qi/essence practitioner.

There is also a choice of cultivating both essence and body equally. But, to do that, a cultivator would require a connected or related cultivation method of both paths or if possible, they could also connect two completely unrelated cultivation methods. Also, 2-star and 3-star cultivators are more inclined towards this method.


After this realm comes the 'Nascent Soul' realm. From this realm onwards cultivating the soul takes priority. The soul is said to be the fundamental cause of an individual's life. Anything which lives has a soul.

Some even believed that non-living things such stones also have a soul which are under development. Later it was proven true. Normally, if the non-living objects exist long enough, there is a chance that they may get sentience.


In this realm, the cultivator would nurture their soul, through the cultivation methods or alchemical potions. Some natural treasures can also be used for this purpose. There is also some abnormal way to nurture a soul which are generally evil or border-line evil.

This is also the realm where comprehending laws or regulation of Heaven and Earth take priority. For easier access of laws, a good cultivation manual is necessary.

A good cultivation manual contains comprehension of its creator. So, later generations can follow right-way to cultivate regulations.


Also, the cultivation methods of grade five and above will be blessed by Heaven when they are created. So, following these methods allow the cultivators to form a connection with the laws. A higher level of connection can be formed if the technique has a high level of blessing. So, generally all cultivators yearn for high grade manuals.


The next step of cultivation is the 'Soul Forging' realm. In this stage, a cultivator should forge their soul using Qi as a furnace and laws as a hammer. The quality of the Qi and level of law comprehended determines the final strength of the soul. This stage is also the stage where a cultivator will set solid soul foundation for future cultivation. In this stage more solid the foundation, more powerful and purer the soul will get and there are only advantages of a powerful soul.


Then comes the 'Soul Core' realm. In this stage, a cultivator must condense their soul to a core having the same appearance as the essence core formed in the core formation realm.


After this realm is the 'Core Fusion' realm. This is also a 'do or die' realm.

In this realm, the cultivators have to fuse their essence core and soul core with body during heavenly tribulation. In the fusion process, if there is any incompatibility between their cores, the two cores may explode and the cultivators will generally die. This realm cultivators also boasts of absolute control over their powers.

This realm also shows the effectiveness of the high-level and testified cultivation manuals. For example: - some of the high-level manuals has directions from mortal foundation to void shattering stage and those step by step and those who cultivate according to these manuals have high chance to survive during tribulation.

If the cores explodes but the cultivator survive then he could restart cultivating again from the core formation realm.


After the cultivators survive the tribulation, they will reach the 'Void Shattering' realm. This realm is where a cultivator must attempt to transcend mortality. This realm is called void shattering because of two reasons.

First is to shatter the dantian. In the previous stage, cultivators had already fused body, Qi and soul together making the dantian empty or void. So, cultivators must shatter their dantian and outstrip the limitation of mortal placed in them since birth. This process is extremely hard for lucky bastards.

Second is to shatter the world barrier and ascend to higher dimension. To do that, cultivators would combine or discard the laws they comprehended, according to their needs, to develop a higher level of the law, which will have overwhelming power to shatter the world barrier and ascend to higher realms. Also, in this realm, a cultivator will have a complete 'spiritual body'.


There are also some special beings in this world who have their own cultivation system. Some races are only in soul form, so they only cultivate the soul whereas some have overwhelming physical strength, so they only cultivate the body. Still, most beings in this world cultivate according to the nine realms system.