First Kill

'Can the cultivation world not exist without a battle?'

Well, who cares? From today, I should also make the battle more acceptable.

I carried my glaive and went across the lake. After arriving at the island, I hid and started moving discreetly. For me, fighting other children is of no concern for now. Rather, I am searching for animals. First, I would develop my instinct in a real battle scenario, then I would search for others to fight. Walking for a while, I came across a blue tiger.

Seeing my first prey, I was speechless. How should I describe it? It seems, my fate is already being tied with tigers.

Then, I went forward. I didn't sneak attack or used some underhanded method. I wanted to fight this tiger upfront. The tiger saw me coming towards it so it got ready to lunge at its 'prey for the day.'

The unsuspecting tiger jumped with its claws outstretched. Seeing that the tiger jumped towards me, I hurriedly side-stepped rapidly to be out of its reach. Then, I became serious and stood in a defensive stance, holding the glaive by both hands in front of my chest.

The tiger seemed confused as to how its prey got away. So, it attacked again. I also did a clean sweep with the blunt side of the blade. The tiger's paw landed on the blade making it vibrate. I was pushed back some feet because of the force. This tiger was strong. Even with my top-level talent, my physical strength was still less than it.

Since I could not overpower it with strength, I resorted to my skills and mobility. The tiger may be pretty fast in a single-direction sprint, but fighting while moving around in a small area with that large body was simply impossible.

While maneuvering around it, I started slashing and hacking. I didn't thrust or use the pole of the glaive at all as it will do no real damage, instead, I might just give up my superior momentum and get bashed by the tiger.

The tiger's skin and muscles were thick. I would only be able to kill it by excessive wounds. But still, it was pretty hard. Even if the tiger had low mobility, it could still bump using its body. So, I had to move out of the tiger's range of attack now and then. Still, the battle went rather smoothly. After fighting for a while and sustaining some deep wounds, the tiger started to retreat.

As If I would let it do that?

I chased after it and kept slashing and hacking. Suddenly I found a chance. I rolled over below the tiger's stomach and thrust the glaive with all my strength. Somehow I seemed to have attacked a vital organ. The tiger released a low growl and slumped down dead pretty fast.

With much difficulty, I crawled out from below the tiger's body. I was covered in blood. I looked at my hand and the tiger. I was excited and somewhat scared at the same time.

Today I had my first kill. The battle was a close one but still, I did it.

'I killed the tiger.'

After my excitement went down, I smelled blood and started vomiting. It smells super nauseating. After vomiting some bile, I started searching for another prey.

This time I was motivated. Battling with my life felt pretty addicting. Now I understand why all protagonists love to fight. It felt awesome.

After killing the tiger I might have got some confidence boost.

So, I ran around the island searching for my next sparring partner. This time I didn't simply fight other animals, I started to fight other children also. They were all like me. Even if their talent is weaker than mine, they could still put up a decent fight after all they also went through some limit-breaking training in the past three years and they didn't have any distractions.

It may be because of my past life mindset. I simply didn't like sustaining injury. So, I had to use my mobility to the max to lessen the wounds.

These children are different. They were taught to battle since childhood. Somehow, they also have better pain resistance. So, they don't care about some injury at all. For them, this is the norm.

After fighting these children, I finally understood why there are uncivilized battle maniacs and arrogant characters in the cultivation world. It was because of the environment and it seems it has been going like this since the ancient period.

Somehow, it seems that no one had bothered to change this ancient mindset.