the newborn

The moment the newborn had born on the full moon, everyone was hoping that the newborn will never die easily. They believe that the newborn will never die and an immortal one because she was born on the full moon. 3 years later, the newborn got to know about her ability but was not full of it. 10 years later, the newborn started to follow her father around and go hunting together. The newborn is a fast learner and gifted. The father teaches the newborn self-defence so she can protect herself. The father teaches her everything. The mother teaches the newborn on doing house things. The mother makes the newborn learnt everything so that she can keep herself safe and treat herself well. It has been 20 years now, there's nothing happened all the past years. They all were happy and have faith in the newborn because she's special. The newborn doesn't have friends nor makes one because everyone hates her. Since she's special, everyone in the town would always praise her. All the youngsters hate her because of how special the people in town treat her. After a few months later, it's weekend and it's Eliza day to go hunting with her father. "Eliza!! Little moon, come here for a sec!!" Calling mother from downstairs. Eliza picks her bag which is she already put all her hunt stuff in the bag. Eliza ran downstairs and met her mother in the living room.

"Yes, mother? Why are you calling me?" Asked Eliza as soon she's in front of her mother. The mother smile.

"Eliza, won't you go out with your friends or something except hunting? You always go hunting with your father" Said the mother. the mother was worried because Eliza always followed her father to go hunting. Besides that, both of them might get caught by the hunters. Eliza smile.

"Mother, Eliza is fine. Eliza with father. Besides, her father teaches Eliza a lot of things and even self-defence. Eliza will be okay. About friends, Eliza doesn't have one"

"Eliza!! Are you done?! Come quick, we need to go hunt now!!" Called father as soon as Eliza finished her words with her mother. Eliza and her mother look at the door as they heard the father voice. They look at each other and chuckled.

"Mother, Eliza needs to go now. Goodbye, mother!" Eliza bid goodbye to her mother while running to the door. The mother smile and sighed.

"Hope everything will be okay.." Whisper the mother.

"Father, Eliza feels like Eliza wanna eat fruits," Said Eliza with a pout on her face looking at her father. The father laughed.

"Sure, let's go get some of the fruits and we bring them home for your mother as well," Said the father while patting Eliza's head. Eliza smiles widely and nods her head.

[after picking the fruits]

Eliza and her father were making their way to go back to their home. They were walking while talking some random stuffed and laughing at each other joked. As they almost arrived at their house, they heard someone footsteps, dried leaves getting step slowly. Eliza went closer to her father as her father hid her behind him. Suddenly the hunters' members came out with their shotguns in their hands, aiming at us. Eliza clench her father shirt as she was scared. The father let Eliza grip off his shirt and signal Eliza to run. Eliza insisted and still wanna stay but what he did next was making her shocked and more scared. The father pushed Eliza away from him and Eliza stumbled. The moment Eliza eyes met her father, her father mouth 'run' to her and he got shot on his stomach. Eliza was startled and her tear on the left eye dropped. Eliza ran from there as fast as she can. Eliza turn into her wolf form and ran quickly home. As soon as she arrived at her house, she change into a human form back and ran into the house. As she got in the house, she stop at the doorstep. Eliza smelled something strange. Eliza look at the floor and her eyes were widened. Eliza saw blood on the floor. Eliza followed the blood while shaking in fear. Eliza was scared if she lost her mother as well. Eliza followed the blood and it lead to the kitchen. Eliza stopped her track and gasped while both of her hands cover her mouth with her tears streaming down continuously. Eliza saw 3 human guys already dead which is already considered that they got scratches and stabbed all over their bodies. But what makes Eliza start to cry is, Eliza saw her mother get stabbed on her stomach by the human guy who already got a lot of scratches from mother. The guy turn around and saw Eliza as they make eye contact. Eliza can't see his face as his face is covered with a mask. Before that human guy could do anything, Eliza ran from there without thinking twice. Eliza had to leave them. Eliza climbs the tree and hide. Eliza could hear the hunters voices, footsteps, guns clicking. Eliza just stays hidden, she doesn't have any choice but to leave her parents to die. Eliza look down and scan every corner to see if the hunters were still there or not. After an hour later, Eliza finally got down from the tree and went to find her father first. Eliza didn't find her father but only saw stained blood and his smell on the dried leaves. Eliza ran to her house and tried to find her mother but it's the same thing as her father. Only a bloodstain and her smell left on the floor and the lower cupboard. Eliza cried while slowly falling on her knees. She cried out loud. Eliza whipped her tears away and stood up, transform into a wolf and ran to the end of the cliffs. Eliza took her breath in and howl as loud as she can. The other werewolves heard it and they lower their ear as they are afraid of hearing the news about what happened to Eliza's territories. After a few minutes later, Eliza breathed heavily trying to calm herself down a bit. Eliza ran towards where we're all humans living and stop before stepping out of the forest. Eliza changes her form and walks forward a bit to look at how humans live in their world. They look happy. Eliza clench her fist and hit the tree hardly that can enough make her hand bleed. And that's when Eliza starts to seek her revenge for her family.