the lab

As Eliza is still unconscious, everyone came to her and help her. After an hour later, Eliza woke up and look at her surroundings and saw 4 people around her. Two girls, two boys.

"What happened?.. Where am I?.." Eliza asked, looking at them. They all look at their selves and look at her back.

"You're in Gaenma Lab... They're experimenting here. And we're gonna be one of their experiment.." The girl explained.

'shit... They found me..' Eliza thought.

"What's your name? and what are you?" Eliza asked.

"My name is Marilynn Cassel. I'm a fox but I've been in here for 10 years and they do some experiments on me. So, I'm half wolf which is alpha.."

"My name's Cassandra Sophitia. I'm a black cat, I've been in here for 12 years and I'm a half-dragon"

"Name's Cerberus Heater. I'm a dog, I've been in here for 11 years, I'm half hybrid"

"And I'm Joseph Arche. I'm a white bunny, I've been in here for 13 years and I'm a half-demon" They all introduced themselves and explained how they got in here.

"What about you?" Joseph asked Eliza.

"Oh-- uhmm-- My-my name is... Aeryl Eliza Frye. I'm a wolf. But everyone called me Luna" Eliza replied and explained how she got in here. They understood her situation and warn her about the place.

"Luna, this place is dangerous and it's hard for us to get out. So, if you make them mad or try to run away, they might inject you with something they've been working on and it makes you go crazy. It's not that easy to fight the virus. Like me, I was planning to run away from here because I'm too scared. And then, they inject me with other people's blood which is a hybrids blood and it hurts so much--"

"But, Joseph is more hurt. He barely breathes and can't even move. He almost died at that time" Heater got cut off by Sophitia. They explained their situations and how they inject them with other people's blood. It gave Eliza goosebumps. Eliza got scared when she heard their stories.

"If you want to stay nor run away, it ends up the same thing happened. Runaway you will get your punishment, stay you will be their experiment" Marilynn said as they all agreed on what Marilynn said.

"Don't you have any plan on getting away?" Eliza asked getting hope on it. Joseph shook his head.

"We did plan to get out but fail. Sophitia got caught by one of the scientists and she got shot. We tried to save her but we all got caught at the same time. We end up in here again" Joseph said. Eliza sighed. Eliza tried to ask something again but got interrupted by the sudden door opening and it revealed a man with a scientist suit.

"Aeryl Eliza Frye, come with me," The scientist said and Eliza didn't dare to get up. The bodyguards came in and picked Eliza up as Eliza struggled to get out of their grips. They arrived at the mad scientist laboratory room. They've tied Eliza hands up and her legs on the chair. One of the scientists came towards her with an injection in his hand and he shot her. Eliza felt uneasy about the feeling of the mysterious chemical that got in her body. She can feel the blood rushing through her veins. She struggles due to the pain. She felt so hot. The bodyguards took Eliza out of the lab and throw her back in the empty room. But gladly Sophitia and Marilynn catch her right on time and the others surrounding her as they didn't know what to do to help her.

"Luna, Luna! Listen to my voice! Fight the virus! Don't let it take over you! Think that you are stronger than the virus! Luna, fight it!" Joseph said as he tried to encourage her. Joseph holds Eliza's hand tight. After a long hour, Eliza finally calm down and she passed out. Marilynn brush Eliza's hair away from her face as it totally covered her face.

"You did a good job, Luna.." Cerberus compliment Eliza as he massages Eliza's hand, the same goes for Joseph. Sophitia brought a towel and wipe away Eliza's sweat. We're still stuck in this scary lab. We didn't know what to do. We've been getting shots every single day. It was nonstop. Every day, one of us will feel the pain that could make us die. We didn't know what contain in the people's blood. We only know that it contains alpha, hybrid, demon, dragon, and everything. We don't know what do they mixed in the blood. It's hurting us like hell.

"Guys, why don't we just escape from here," Eliza said as she got confident. The others look at her with a worried faces.

"But-- How? What if we failed? and we got the punishment?" Cerberus asked as he was scared. The others agreed on Cerberus. Eliza sighed.

"I know you all scared to stay here nor escape as you all already told me that it would be the same if we're stay nor escape. But trust me. I can help us to get out from here. Trust me" Eliza assured them and entrusted, giving them her hopes. Suddenly the scientist open the door and called Eliza's name. They look at Eliza and Eliza mouth 'follow my lead' and she stood up. She got out of the room she stuck a little stick on the door to prevent the door to shut completely. The others peek through the door and just look at Eliza until she is out of their sight.

"We should go," Sophitia said and the open the door slowly not to make any sound. They walked slowly as they hide behind the wall and peek the other side to see if there's bodyguards or not. Gladly the lines cleared so they continued walking quickly. As Eliza with the scientist, she again got tied up but now she knows how to control the pain, the virus. Every day she learnt where the virus goes and she got to know that the virus going through her veins not to make her feel pain but to make her become stronger. She learnt it from the beginning every time they inserted the virus. Let's just call the virus, MAS which is Mhone Allaen Sirius. The virus which MAS is hard for humans to control. Most humans died when they shot MAS in their body's. That's why they tried on rare animals like werewolves and everything. Because only they can survive on that virus. That's why they started to make an experiment on how long will they survive in this MAS virus. The scientist shot Eliza as Eliza tried so hard to follow the flow as she can feel it goes down through her veins. She took a long breath and let it all out, as soon as she succeed in calming down, her eyes change into red and break the chains. She became stronger as she focus on controlling the virus. All the scientists and bodyguards got startled and got scared as they're tried to kill Eliza but failed. Eliza is too strong for a bullet to get through her. She killed everyone in there and tried to find the others. She ran as quick as she can but stumbled a bit because she's not fully recovered, she just got shot. She found them but they were standing in fear as Eliza at their back saw the guy who had been taking care of Eliza.

" Chris.." Eliza said breathless the others look behind them and saw Eliza.

"LUNA!!" They shouted and ran behind Eliza. Christopher and his bodyguards were aiming at the 4 teen-ager looking people's but got shocked when he heard Eliza name. Christopher felt relieved when he saw Eliza but he decided not to show any emotions as he remembered what the scientist said. He aims his gun towards Eliza as his men aim their guns at the other 4 people's. Eliza gritted her teeth as she growled at Christopher.