
"Monsters? What do you mean by that?" Eliza asked. They look at each other as they gulped hard.

"It's okay, you can tell me," Eliza said.

"The monsters... They were 4 of them which is we call Freddy, Chica, Bonnie and Foxy. They were one of the experiments as well, but the experiments failed and they became a monster that always when hunting every night. There's a lot of people who died by them. And we're one of them. But now we don't know how we're back alive.." Hito explained. Eliza nodded.

'There's a failed experiment?.. Why do they wanna do the experiments? What do they do the experiments for?' Eliza thought. Eliza have been thinking until Eliza heard someone footsteps. They all turn their head at the back. Eliza stood up and follow the footsteps sounds. The 8 of them didn't know if they should follow Eliza or not, but they decided to follow her as she's the only one that they can trust. They follow Eliza from the back until they saw a place that looks like an amusement park. Eliza frowned.

"This is new.." Leo said. Eliza looks at Leo and back at the amusement park. Eliza saw a signboard on the upper. She holds her palm out and the fire starts to form on her palm. They look at Eliza amazed. Eliza raised her hand a bit and finally, she can read the signboard.

"Won...der...land... Wonderland?" Eliza read it out loud. Everyone looks at each other. Eliza turns around and faces them. They look at Eliza.

"Okay, first, I wanna ask. Do you guys wanna come with me or not? If not just stay here and send me a signal if you're in trouble. So anyone?" Eliza asked while looking at them. One of them raised their hand. Eliza nodded to make her speak.

"I-i-i-i wanna co-come with y-you.." Elara respond. Eliza nodded and signal her to come with her. Elara came and stand behind Eliza. Eliza looks at the others, they avoid Eliza stare.

"I'm guessing you guys don't wanna come with me. Okay, then, Elara and me gonna start looking inside. Be safe okay. Just stay around here. If you saw someone, hide" Eliza state and walked away with Elara. Eliza and Elara got in front of a circus curtain. Before they got in Eliza looked at Elara.

"Okay, before we get in, I'm warning you. If you saw anything, just tell me. If you feel like you're too scared to talk, just pull my sleeves, clothes or whatever. Understand?" Eliza gave a warning and Elara nodded several times. Eliza open the curtain and walked inside first then Elara got in. They got in and it was a bit dark. They barely can see anything. Before Eliza could let her fire palm out, they suddenly fall seat on the chair like someone is pushing their seat. It startled us but soon the lights in here opened and we saw a girl looking doll in front of us.

"Hello, welcome to the wonderland!" She greets with a smile on her face. Eliza wanna look at her back on the window to see if the other 7 of them are safe but before she can turn her head, the girl looking doll spoke and that make widened her eyes.

"Don't look out the windows, the monsters like to jump out of the dark" She warning but still, she smiled. Eliza stood up, the same goes for Elara. Elara moves closer to Eliza.

"Who are you?" Eliza asked looking deep into her soul.

"Oh, how rude of me didn't introduce myself. The name's Doll. Nice to meet you" She introduced herself.

'Let's not mess with anyone here. It will turn out to be the worst. The feeling in here is... weird. It's not safe to stay here at the same time' Eliza thought. Eliza didn't say anything to her and just wanna walked out of here.

"Where are you going? Aren't you wanna come and see inside? come, it will be fun!" Doll said excitedly as she drag Eliza and Elara inside. Eliza widened her eyes as the first thing she saw is a big 11 feet fuzzy-looking doll in front of them. She looks around, only to see a messy other dolls on the floor.

"This is Huggard Wugson or we call him Huggy... Wuggy" Doll introduced the 11 feet fuzzy-looking doll in front of them. Eliza started to feel uneasy and unsafe. Suddenly they heard a real heavy footstep. Elara holds Eliza arm tightly. Suddenly there's a pink fuzzy looking doll, also 11 feet tall.

'what the hell..' Eliza thought.

"Oh, this is Kassy Massey or we call her Kissy Missy" Doll introduced the pink fuzzy looking doll. Before Eliza could say anything, Huggy Wuggy started to move and it look totally dangerous like they wanna kill them. Eliza had no choice so she drag Elara and ran away. She ran away and found a door, they got in and there's a lot of dolls in here. Eliza blocks the door with a locker so that they hard to get in. Eliza tried to find another way out. Elara help her find the way out but suddenly Elara found a document which is they chopped with a 'failed'. Elara ran to Eliza and show her the document. Eliza took the document and open it. The first thing she saw is Doll information.

"So she doesn't have a name and they just put her name as a Doll?" Eliza mumbled. Eliza kept reading Doll info until her eyes land on one of the words that got highlighted.

"I'm a real girl... Just like you" Eliza mumbled again. Eliza turn the next page and saw Huggy Wuggy. What the Doll said is true. And Huggy Wuggy known as Experiment 1006. She turn to the next page and saw Kissy Missy. Also known as Experiment 1007. She turns back at Huggy Wuggy information and back at Kissy Missy information.

"They were 1 year apart... What does this scientist do to them... They just a normal doll, normal toy" Eliza shook her head and turn the pages fast to see on the last pages. She saw the title as a 'Known Toys'.

"Poppy was a doll made by Playtime Co. in 1960. The doll was unique in that it could talk directly with people..." Eliza kept on reading.

"L-luna... L-look at th-this" Elara points on the words.

"experimented by transferring human consciousness and the digestive system (presumably of Stella Greyber) into the doll... What?.. They transfer--" Eliza stopped talking as she heard a bang on the door. Eliza cursed under her breath. The door burst open and they saw Huggy Wuggy, but Huggy Wuggy didn't see them as they hide near the door. Huggy Wuggy was looking around the room and they took this chance to get out quickly. They ran to the main place which is where they got dragged by Doll before. Suddenly all of them came out of nowhere. Missy ran towards Elara and tried to hurt her but Doll stop her.

"So, this is wonderland.." Eliza started as she breathe heavily. Doll laughed evilly.

"Mhm, where all your dreams come true. You gonna go get yours before they come to get you" Doll continued Eliza's words.

"You know that you're just a toy," Eliza said confidently.

"What do you mean? I'm a real girl... Just like you" Doll said a bit angry. Eliza chuckled.

"That's what you always said. And a toy, always repeating what they said" Eliza mark her words as Doll starts to get mad.

"Where nothing as it seems--"

"They toss you up and smash you down to smithereens!" Doll cut Eliza off.

"So this is wonderland" Eliza smirked and turn into a monster. Doll gulped hard.

"Wh-who are y-you.." Doll asked. Eliza walked towards Doll but Huggy Wuggy and Kissy Missy tried to protect her so they tried to hurt Eliza but Elara use her power and tied Huggy Wuggy and Kissy Missy on the wall. Before Doll could run away, Eliza use her power and pulled Doll towards her. Eliza put her hand on Doll shoulder.

"Wonder wonder wonderland, is this really

Wonderland.." Eliza started.

"Wonder wonder wonderland, is this really it?.." Doll questioned herself with terrified.

"So this is wonderland, where all your dreams come true. You gotta go get yours, before they come get you. So this is wonderland. Where nothing's as it seems. They toss you up and smash you down to smithereens" Eliza said to remind Doll back. Eliza just saw the poster when they were hiding. She saw the words like a song and she read them. Now, she said the words that she saw to Doll. That's why Doll always say the same words over and over.

"How do you know that song?.. And how do you know our information.." Doll asked Eliza as Eliza turn into a human back. Eliza look at Elara and nodded at her. Elara stop using her power and let go of Huggy Wuggy and Kissy Missy. Elara ran to Eliza and hug her hand. Huggy Wuggy and Kissy Missy turn into doll size and walk towards Doll.

"I just know" Eliza answered. Doll frown.

"So, you guys are a failed experiment. Where are all the scientists that used you for their experiments?" Eliza asked. Doll scoffed.

"tch... There died. Huggy and Kissy help me kill them all as they both are similar that they can change into a big size.." Doll replied. Eliza nodded. Suddenly Eliza felt and a small electric shock on her index finger. She was startled and look at her finger. She widened her eyes as she forgot about the other 7 of them outside.

"Oh no... I forgot!" Eliza shouted to make them all startled. Before Doll could ask anything, Eliza drag Elara out of the wonderland but found nothing.

"Lu-lunaa... Wh-where a-are theyy..?" Elara nervously asked. Eliza look around but found nothing.

"Ughh!! Where the heck is they‽‽" Eliza yell, anger taking over her. The 3 toys ran towards them.

"Hey! What are you finding? We can help you" Doll said. Offering their help to Eliza. Eliza didn't think twice and she accepted her offer.

"I'm trying to find my elements," Eliza said. Elara look at Eliza question face.