Chapter 35

After receiving Abel's response, the Ancient One's expression showed regret, but she quickly composed herself, standing up to shake hands with him. "First, I feel genuinely sorry that Kamar Taj has lost a very talented sorcerer. However, on behalf of Kamar Taj, I welcome you, Master Abel, as our ally. I hope we can help each other and work together in the future."

"Of course, I'm pleased to be an ally of Kamar Taj. Here, I have excellent mentors, friends, and colleagues. I value the relationship with Kamar Taj," Abel replied sincerely, ensuring he expressed his appreciation.

"Master Abel, from now on, Kamar Taj's library will be open to you. You can exchange knowledge for access to its resources, or assist Kamar Taj with tasks in exchange for knowledge. There's an old saying in Huaxia: in business, brothers should settle accounts. I hope we can strictly adhere to the principle of equivalent exchange and maintain our friendship."

"Absolutely. The principle of equivalent exchange was proposed by me in the first place. As a practitioner of this principle, I'm committed to honoring it. I believe our friendship will remain strong," Abel said with conviction.

"Very well. If I'm here, there's no need to elaborate, but when I'm not, you can approach Daniel. He'll manage the knowledge exchanges in my absence."

Abel and the Ancient One didn't delve into the specifics of exchanging knowledge and magic. They both understood that a long-term and fair partnership would benefit them far more than engaging in petty actions that could jeopardize their cooperation. They were not shortsighted; both looked toward the future.

After confirming their partnership, Abel bid farewell to the Ancient One and opened a portal with his ring, leaving Kamar Taj. He emerged on the roof of his building, taking a moment to gaze at the New York night sky before heading home.

His conversation with the Ancient One had taken longer than expected. When Abel entered his home, he found Terea had already returned, along with Sharon.

Since Sharon had given up her secret surveillance of Abel's bedroom, she now behaved like an ordinary distant relative whenever she was at Abel's home, no longer the SHIELD agent she once was.

Dinner with Terea was always satisfying. After the meal, Abel watched as Sharon stepped onto the scale, slightly distressed by her increasing weight. However, her worry quickly dissipated when Terea brought out dessert. Satisfied with her taste buds, she decided that if weight was an issue, she would just have to double her training afterward.

"Mom, Sharon, I've finished eating, so I'm heading back to my room," Abel announced.

"Wait, dear! I almost forgot—there was a package I put on your desk before you came home. Remember to check it," Terea said.

Taken aback, Abel realized he couldn't recall ordering anything. He nodded, wishing them goodnight, and then turned to return to his room.

Upon entering, he noticed the package on the table. It looked like a thin envelope. Sitting at his desk, he opened it to find flyers and tickets, along with a piece of paper that had a phone number written on it.

It was an entrance ticket to the Stark Industries Expo, accompanied by an introduction. Turning the paper over, Abel read a message that said, "You didn't give me your number, so I had to give you mine—Tony Stark."

Realization dawned on Abel that Tony had discovered his identity. If Sharon had found out, it was likely that SHIELD had pieced together his secret as well. Given Tony's intelligence, it wouldn't have been difficult for him to deduce who Abel was.

New York City was filled with cameras, and Abel couldn't be sure he hadn't been caught on film. With everyone carrying smartphones that functioned as cameras, it was a matter of time before someone like Tony could connect the dots regarding his true identity.

Initially, Abel had tried to keep his identity hidden to avoid drawing attention from organizations like SHIELD and Hydra, giving himself time to establish some self-protection. Now that he had his own magic wand and had become an ally of Kamar Taj, he no longer felt the need to hide his identity so strictly.

With the paper in hand, Abel thought for a moment before picking up his phone and dialing the number Tony had provided.

The phone rang only once before it connected. "Oh, the speed of this express delivery is astounding. Stark can easily develop things here! I'm glad you called me, Mr. Magician," Tony's voice greeted him.

"How did you know it was me?" Abel asked.

As soon as the words left his mouth, he felt foolish for asking, realizing how obvious it was. "Right, you can find my address, so of course, you'd have my phone number too."

"Haha, of course! But you know, while I can find your number, calling without a proper introduction is a bit impolite. If you were just an ordinary guy, I might overlook it, but you're not just anyone. I'd like to avoid being cursed or something... Oh, by the way, can you actually curse me?" Tony inquired, his tone teasing.

"I don't know many curse spells, but if you want to see one..." Abel began, but Tony quickly cut him off.

"Okay, okay, enough with the banter. Let's get to the point and discuss business," Tony said, steering the conversation back to serious matters.