Chapter 75

After the hellfire was absorbed back into the wand, Abel quickly waved it at the approaching war machine. An orange flame erupted, and in an instant, the war machine was enveloped in a portal, teleporting it to the ground with a heavy thud.

With the war machine temporarily neutralized, only Zeke remained. Abel surged forward, shifting from a defensive position to a determined pursuit of Zeke.

Zeke's armor was designed for speed and agility, and he darted away with remarkable quickness. But Abel was ready; before Zeke could fully react, the wand in his hand flicked with precision.

"Explosio Tonitrum!" Abel called out.


The blast was more powerful than a simple explosion spell—akin to a missile detonating on impact. Yellow flames shot from the tip of the wand, colliding with Zeke and creating a violent explosion. The force of it sent Zeke plummeting from the air, crashing through a nearby building.

Abel was relentless, following Zeke as he fell, positioning himself just as Zeke hit the ground. He pointed his wand again, unleashing another blasting spell.


Zeke was propelled backward, crashing through a wall. His armor absorbed most of the impact, but he felt the vibrations rattle through him.

Recovering quickly, Zeke activated his armor's propellers to stabilize his descent, only to find Abel teleporting beside him once again. Before Zeke could react, another blasting spell erupted, slamming into him and sending him careening away.

Abel's speed was unmatched; he utilized Apparition to dart around Zeke, firing blasting spells from multiple angles. Each explosion reverberated through the surrounding structures, gradually wearing down Zeke's defenses.

"Enough of this!" Zeke growled internally as he braced himself against the crumbling wall. With a surge of determination, he activated his armor's full power, arcs of electricity crackling around him.

Walls shattered as Zeke gathered an immense amount of electromagnetic energy, creating a barrier of twisted steel and concrete to shield himself from Abel's relentless assaults.

While Zeke managed to halt Abel's immediate attacks, he felt the weight of the situation pressing down. His armor had sustained severe damage, and while the electromagnetic weapon system was still operational, he knew he was on borrowed time. If this continued, his armor would be irreparably compromised.

"Damn it!" Zeke cursed under his breath. "This guy is much stronger than the data suggested! If I had known, I wouldn't have underestimated him like this!"

Zeke realized he had no choice but to unleash everything he had. He summoned the steel and concrete around him and deflected Abel's next attacks before channeling all his energy into a massive orange-yellow energy cannon.

With a determined motion, he released seven cluster cannons from the rectangular energy cores embedded in his armor. Each cannon fired beams of concentrated energy that zigzagged across the battlefield.

The beams tore through the surroundings, demolishing everything in their path. Abel, on high alert, executed evasive maneuvers, but the beams were relentless. Zeke only needed a slight adjustment in aim to create a devastating area of effect.

As Abel narrowly avoided a beam, he suddenly had an idea. He reached into his robe and retrieved the hanging ring, activating it just in time. With a flourish, he drew a portal in front of him, allowing one of Zeke's energy beams to enter it.

Simultaneously, he conjured another portal behind Zeke, redirecting the beam straight into his back. The explosion caught Zeke off guard, sending him careening through the air as a series of explosions erupted around him.

Zeke crashed through a wall, only for the building to finally succumb to the devastation and begin collapsing around him.

Before the dust settled, Abel stepped forward and vanished in a swirl of black smoke, reappearing outside the building just in front of Zeke, who was reeling from the impact.

Seeing Zeke's armor in a weakened state, Abel prepared to deliver the final blow. He wanted to eliminate the threat entirely, ensuring that the mess with Obadiah wouldn't repeat itself.

But as he raised his wand, a sudden instinct sent a warning flaring through his mind. He shifted into black smoke and darted away just as a missile struck the ground where he had been standing, exploding with a thunderous roar.

Emerging from the dust, Obadiah in his Iron Overlord suit landed heavily on the ground, his expression concealed behind the armor. The damage to Zeke's armor was evident, but Obadiah's face twisted into a scowl as he advanced, weapons activating and humming with energy.

"Ready to end this?" Obadiah declared, his voice a low growl, each word dripping with malice.