Chapter 86

Under the ocean, Abel witnessed a breathtaking sight: humanoid creatures swimming gracefully like fish, ancient and majestic buildings resting on the seabed, powerful warriors guarding their underwater kingdom, and the practice of deep, wondrous ethnic magic. As the vision ended, a name reverberated through his mind—Atlantis.

Awakening from the trance, Abel watched as the blue droplet at the tip of his wand vanished. He exhaled, feeling the two distinct spells that remained in his mind. The discovery exceeded his expectations.

The phalanx was the remnant of a mage from Atlantis, who had met an untimely end before he could return home, leaving fragments of his knowledge and magic within the bone. Unfortunately, much of it had been lost due to time and the gypsy girl's careless tinkering. Yet, two complete spells and fragments of memory had survived.

Though a shame that more was lost, Abel still felt fortunate. After all, two powerful spells for just one hundred and fifty dollars? Any mage would be thrilled with such a deal.

The magic from Atlantis was unlike anything Abel had encountered at Kamar-Taj, and certainly different from anything he knew from his previous life. The two spells, Strangle the Water Snake and Blood Shark's Bite, carried a primal and brutal quality. They were ancient, blood-soaked magics, reminiscent of the raw violence of a hunter battling its prey—a reflection of the wild nature of early humanity.

Both spells were fierce attack magic, but Abel decided not to test them right away. He would find a better time and place to practice. However, just as he prepared to sleep, he felt the imprint he had placed on Thor suddenly shift, heading northwest of the town.

"Is it happening tonight?" Abel murmured. Thor's Hammer. He had been eager to see it for a while.

Without wasting any time, Abel found the direction and vanished, dissolving into a swirling vortex of magic.


Meanwhile, Thor, having sneaked into S.H.I.E.L.D.'s research facility built around Thor's Hammer, attempted to reclaim it. Yet, still unworthy, he failed and was detained by S.H.I.E.L.D. agents. Coulson, observing Thor's failed attempt, was left puzzled—Thor appeared tied to the hammer, but like everyone else, he couldn't lift it.

As Coulson prepared to continue pressing his team for results, he noticed something odd—a figure shrouded in black smoke had appeared behind him. The figure was cloaked in a hooded robe, and dark wisps of smoke obscured his face, making it impossible to discern his identity.

Coulson, cautious but aware of the figure's recent involvement in a major incident alongside Tony Stark, remained calm. S.H.I.E.L.D. had internally referred to the figure, but Abel's full identity had yet to be discovered.

"Hello," Coulson greeted cautiously. "I don't believe I know your name. If you prefer not to share, I can use the codename we've given you."

"Codename?" came Abel's cold, deep voice, sending a chill down Coulson's spine.

"Black Wizard," Coulson answered. "That's the codename we've assigned you within S.H.I.E.L.D."

"Black Wizard?" Abel chuckled faintly under the black smoke. "Fitting."

Relieved that Abel wasn't hostile, Coulson smiled, "So, Mr. Black Wizard, what brings you here?"

"It's simple. I want to see the hammer," Abel replied.

"I'm afraid our researchers are still studying it. I'm not sure—"

"That hammer doesn't belong to you, and it's no scientific artifact. You'll never understand it through your methods."

Coulson paused, intrigued. "So you know what it is?"

"I know enough to want a closer look," Abel replied cryptically.

Realizing the potential benefit of Abel's knowledge, Coulson agreed, "Then by all means, follow me, Mr. Black Wizard."

As Coulson led Abel toward Thor's Hammer, S.H.I.E.L.D. agents along the way couldn't help but stare. Some were surprised, others afraid, while a few recognized Abel's presence from earlier incidents. All of them gave the two a wide berth as they descended into the pit where Thor's Hammer rested.

The moment Abel stepped into the pit, he felt a sharp, unsettling pressure, like a blade being pressed against his forehead. His eyes quickly darted to the source—Clint Barton, or Hawkeye, was perched above them, bow drawn, arrow aimed directly at Abel.

Unfazed, Abel raised his wand, and with a flick, the arrow transformed into a bundle of sunflowers, much to Barton's surprise.

Abel's sudden move caused a stir among the nearby S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, who immediately raised their weapons. But Abel swiftly disarmed them with another wave of his wand, sending guns and batons flying to his feet.

"I don't like being threatened with weapons," he said coldly.

With the room silenced, Abel approached Thor's Hammer. He gazed at it for a moment, then reached out and gently brushed his fingers across the handle. Nothing happened.

Undeterred, Abel raised his wand and tapped it lightly against the hammer. His intention was to probe its nature with magic, but the instant his wand made contact, a brilliant flash of lightning exploded from the hammer. It struck Abel squarely in the chest, sending him reeling backward, tumbling to the edge of the pit!