Chapter 104

"By the way, Abel, don't you know how to open that kind of portal? Why didn't you just use it to come back?"

In the car that Happy drove, listening to Tony's words, Abel replied, "My magical abilities haven't reached that level yet. The sorcerers at Kama Taj can borrow the power of high-level beings to open portals to the universe, but I can only use my own power, which isn't enough for such a distant portal.

"Besides, even if I could activate it, I wouldn't. Once I opened a portal, I'd be drawn back. I haven't learned the magic of Asgard yet, so I can't rely on that."

"Then your choice to come back now means you've learned some of that magic, right?"

"While I haven't mastered all of it, I've picked up a lot. Most importantly, I've learned a set of magical words comparable to ancient incantations. Once I thoroughly study and understand them, I can merge the two sets of spells. That should help upgrade Mark Ω 1.0 to 2.0 for you."

Hearing this, Tony immediately smiled. "Well, now I have something to look forward to!"

As they spoke, the car slowly came to a stop outside Abel's building. Just as Abel was about to get out, Tony suddenly stopped him.

"Abel, I've got something for you."

Tony reached into the co-pilot's seat and handed Abel a gold-red metal tube shaped like a vacuum flask. "I designed this for over a month. It combines my technology with your magical technology, and now it's finally done. You should find it useful when you study it."

"I told you before—when I use magic, I don't need armor or anything like that."

"Of course, I remember. This isn't armor; you'll see when you get back and take a look."

"Alright, I trust that whatever you made will be good."

Nodding at Tony, Abel placed the item into his backpack, slung it over his shoulder, and stepped out of the car, heading home alone.

At this hour, Treya was still at work. Typically, she wouldn't be home until after ten in the evening. Not wanting to disrupt her, Abel decided to wait before revealing his return. He placed the box and backpack in his room and noticed that the space was spotless, a clear sign of Treya's diligent care. A smile spread across his face as he began organizing the contents of his backpack and box.

After sorting out his clothes and tossing the dirty ones into the washing machine, Abel sat down at his desk and pulled out the metal tube Tony had given him.

Examining the gold-red, two-toned metal tube adorned with numerous grooves and lines, Abel noticed a fingerprint unlocking mechanism at one end. He pressed his thumb on it, and with a beep, the metal tube activated, splitting into two large pieces and one small one.

The two larger sections formed the ends of the tube, while the small part quickly reshaped itself into a mask that covered Abel's face. The larger pieces transformed into metal boots that encased his feet and part of his calves.

At that moment, Abel's appearance resembled Tony's Iron Man armor, albeit with different design elements. Data and information flooded the visor of the mask as he scanned through it, finally understanding what Tony had provided.

In essence, this device enhanced Abel's agility and jumping capabilities. The boots allowed for short-range flight and manipulated magnetic fields, akin to the previous Zach armor, enabling him to cling to walls or ceiling and even achieve brief periods of levitation. The mask included functionality for underwater exploration and various practical applications.

While many of these features were redundant given Abel's existing magical abilities, the mask was the true core of Tony's technology. In addition to basic air filtration and scanning capabilities, it was linked to Jarvis for intelligence collection and analysis, significantly addressing Abel's shortcomings.

One of the mask's most appealing features was its invisibility and shapeshifting capabilities. As a last resort, the mask could emit two high-energy beams that could potentially alter the course of a battle in emergencies.

Although some features of the boots might be excessive, the mask effectively compensated for many of Abel's past limitations, particularly in scanning and analysis.

After issuing a command, the mask and boots detached from Abel's body, reconfiguring back into the original gold-red metal tube.

Once transformed, each piece had its own energy core, though relatively small. The total operational time was limited to about three days before needing a recharge or replacement of the energy core, which could only achieve that level with a second-generation miniature light arc reactor.

In short, Tony had given him something excellent.

After a bit more tinkering, Abel made the metal tube disappear from his hand with a flick of his wrist.

Just as Abel got up to head to the kitchen for a snack, the door suddenly swung open, revealing Treya, accompanied by a handsome man in his thirties.

As soon as she entered, Treya noticed the shoes left by the door. She stopped short, then called out, "Abel, dear, are you back?"

Hearing her voice, Abel stepped out of his room and embraced Treya, who was still changing her shoes. "Mom, I'm back!"

"You didn't even call me when you returned! You didn't mention anything in the video three days ago. I'm going to hold you accountable for this."

"Isn't it more exciting to surprise you? I hoped you'd appreciate it."

After releasing Abel, Treya inspected him from head to toe. "You look taller and thinner! I couldn't see it in the video, but seeing you in person really shows the change."

Abel couldn't help but wipe a drop of cold sweat from his brow. Of course, he hadn't changed; he was just a virtual avatar.

Just as he was about to respond to Treya, the man at the door cleared his throat, drawing the attention of both Abel and Treya.