Chapter 106

"My narcotics... how can this be happening?" Rumno stammered, disbelief evident in his voice.

However, he acted quickly. Before Abel could react, Rumno had flipped half the dining table, disregarding the food that toppled over. He rushed to Treya's side, gripping her neck with one hand and brandishing the syringe threateningly in front of her eyes, all the while keeping a wary eye on Abel.

"I know you care deeply for Treya," Rumno warned, "so I advise you not to make any sudden moves. Otherwise, I would rather risk my own life than let her go. In any case, I prefer her company."

Abel remained calm, not rising from his seat. He met Rumno's gaze steadily. "If you truly understand how precious Treya is to me, why would I fail to protect her?"

As he spoke, Abel squeezed his right hand, and his wand materialized instantly.

Seeing the wand in Abel's hand, Treya's eyes widened with surprise and disbelief. She had always thought Rumno was a madman, but now she realized the world was filled with more insanity than she had imagined. When had her son, Abel, started using magic?

Rumno was decisive, his movements rapid. The moment he spotted the wand, he jabbed the syringe toward Treya's eye, his grip tightening around her neck, relying on his enhanced strength to crush her throat easily.

But just then, a brilliant white light erupted from Treya's chest, sending a powerful wave of force that blasted Rumno across the room and into the wall.

In an instant, Abel was by Treya's side, a potion appearing in his left hand. He hurriedly fed it to her, ensuring she drank it down. After that, he waved his wand, gently tapping it against Treya's chest. The pendant he had gifted her floated out from under her clothes, enveloping her in a protective white glow.

Abel glanced at Rumno, who was scrambling to recover and attempting to escape through the window. Instead of chasing him immediately, Abel instructed Treya, "Mother, I'll explain everything when I get back. You stay here and don't move around. You're safe now with the pendant I gave you."

Once he finished speaking, Abel pulled out his phone and texted Sharon, instructing him to come protect Treya immediately. After sending the message, he transformed into a wisp of black smoke and vanished, following the mark he had placed on Rumno.

Meanwhile, Rumno, the operative doctor from the Ten Commandments Gang, alias Rumno, was quickly changing clothes as he fled. By the time he exited the building, he had transformed into a hip-hop-styled young man in his twenties, easily blending into the crowd.

However, despite his outward calm, he was nervous inside.

He ducked into a restaurant, heading straight for the restroom. In the innermost stall, he opened the toilet tank and retrieved a small package he had hidden there. Inside were camouflage gear, a pistol, and a syringe. He swiftly stashed them into his clothes and exited through the back door of the restaurant, stepping into a damp, dark alley.

Suddenly, a swirling portal of sparks appeared beneath him. Rumno barely had time to react before he fell into it, landing roughly in a forest full of fallen leaves and weeds.

Quickly scrambling to his feet, he realized he was not alone. In front of him stood Abel.

The doctor's expression soured. He was aware of Abel's magical prowess, and the thought of facing him was daunting. Yet, he understood that Abel had not killed him on sight, which meant he still had a sliver of hope.

"Why didn't you kill me? I thought you would eliminate me right away!" Rumno spat, trying to mask his fear.

"I have questions for you, and I hope you can answer them honestly," Abel replied coolly.

"Of course! If you spare my life, I'll tell you everything!" Rumno exclaimed, desperate to appease Abel.

But as he spoke, Rumno quickly pulled a pistol from his waist. Just as he aimed it, a flash of yellow light surged from Abel. The pistol seemed to leap from Rumno's grip, landing at Abel's feet.

"Disarming curse," Abel said, a smirk playing on his lips.

Against powerful weapons like Gungnir and Thor's Hammer, this spell had no effect. But when it came to ordinary firearms, it worked splendidly.

"It seems you weren't inclined to answer my questions honestly," Abel stated, his tone serious.

In a sudden move, Rumno injected a syringe into his neck. Abel watched with interest, allowing him to proceed.

He wasn't worried that the injection would harm Rumno; even if it was lethal, Abel wanted his answers before the doctor met his end.

As the liquid coursed through him, Rumno staggered back, a wild roar escaping his lips. His skin flushed red, steam billowing from his mouth and nose. When he raised his head, his eyes had transformed into reptilian slits, radiating an overpowering aura.

"Feel the power of the dragon!" Rumno bellowed, his nails elongating into claws, dark green scales sprouting from his arms up to his elbows, contrasting sharply with his red skin.

Without hesitation, Rumno lunged at Abel with remarkable speed, claws outstretched, ready to attack.