Chapter 112

After returning to the rooftop of his apartment building, Abel looked out at the dark New York night. He removed the mask from his face and the metal boots from his feet, then descended to his home. Inside, he saw Sharon with Treya, and he gave her a nod of gratitude.

"Sharon, thank you very much," Abel said.

Sharon, visibly relieved to see Abel, replied, "It's okay, it's what I should do. Please stay with Treya. I'll leave now."

Abel nodded, "I owe you one. If you ever need something from me, don't hesitate to reach out."

Sharon smiled, knowing Abel was well aware of her true identity. He wouldn't have asked her to protect Treya otherwise. Without saying much more, she acknowledged his offer, gave a nod, and left.

After Sharon's departure, Abel closed the door and turned to Treya, who was sitting quietly with a cup of coffee in her hands. He sighed and sat down with a weary expression.

"Mom, are you alright?" he asked.

Treya nodded, setting her cup down. "I'm fine. That man, Rumno... Maybe he wasn't Rumno after all. What happened to him?"

Abel reached out and gently held Treya's hands. "Mom, he won't hurt you anymore. You don't need to worry about him. And don't let this stop you from finding a real boyfriend—someone kind-hearted who truly cares for you."

Treya was perceptive enough to guess what Abel meant. Though she had liked Rumno, her feelings hadn't run deep enough to be heartbroken over it. She wisely chose not to ask further questions about the man.

"Abel," she asked after a pause, "what's the deal with your magic?"

Abel had anticipated this. Smiling, he replied, "Mom, it all started when I was a child. Remember when I got really sick?"

Treya nodded.

"During that time, I had a dream where I met a white-bearded magician named Merlin. He told me he was nearing the end of his life and later disguised himself as a homeless man—the one I used to help. You probably remember him."

Treya thought for a moment. "Yes, I remember."

"Well, that 'tramp' was actually Merlin. Because I helped him, he decided to pass his magic down to me. That's how I became a magician."

Of course, the truth was much less fantastical. The homeless man was likely just a sick individual, and the "Merlin" part was a story Abel had pulled from novels he'd read in his previous life. But it was a story convincing enough.

To Abel's surprise, Treya believed him. She had been inclined to think it was nonsense at first, but given Abel's magical abilities, she found the explanation plausible. After all, magic defied logic.

"So that's how it happened... You don't need to keep things like this from me, Abel. I know it must be a lot for you to handle on your own."

Abel blinked, taken aback by how easily his mother had accepted his explanation. He had prepared a much more detailed story, but it wasn't necessary.

He spent some time reassuring Treya until she finally seemed to relax. As it was already late, she eventually went to bed, leaving Abel to his own devices. He retreated to his room, where he sat at his desk to study the Ring of Controlling Energy, which he had acquired recently.

Abel spent the entire night analyzing the ring and gradually pieced together its full range of powers. By morning, he had formulated a preliminary plan for how to best utilize it.

Having just returned from Asgard, Abel wasn't in a rush to return to school. He had already decided to apply to a nearby college—the State University of New York. With his grades and Tony's behind-the-scenes assistance, he didn't anticipate any issues with his admission.

After having breakfast with Treya, he watched her leave for work before turning on his computer to check his emails.

The first message in his inbox was from Victor.

Abel had kept in touch with Victor ever since they parted ways. Victor, like Abel, was involved in the magical world and had no issue with Abel's mysterious nature. In fact, Abel had even told Victor about his plans to pursue further studies in magic.

The email from Victor mentioned that he had applied to the State University of New York and was preparing to leave Latveria for the United States. He also hinted at wanting to meet Abel.

Abel couldn't help but marvel at the coincidence. Both he and Victor had chosen the same university, and now their paths were crossing again. Whether this was a stroke of good or bad luck, Abel wasn't sure.

After a moment of reflection, Abel sent Victor a response confirming his own plans to attend the same university.

Shortly after sending his email, Abel received another reply from Victor. It contained only a phone number—one from New York. Clearly, Victor had already arrived in the city. Given the time that had passed since Victor's first email, this wasn't surprising.

Abel dialed the number, and Victor picked up almost immediately.


"It's me, Victor. Welcome to New York."

Victor chuckled. "This place is completely different from my hometown. I have to admit, in comparison, Latveria is far worse."

"Your hometown needs you to bring about change. Once you learn advanced technologies and ideas, you can return and make Latveria better than ever."

Victor let out a light laugh, sounding pleased. Then he changed the subject. "Abel, let's meet now. I'm at a café near Times Square. You should be able to find me easily."

"Alright, give me a little time. I'll be there soon, and then we can catch up properly."