Yao Yin - Su Fei

After practicing in the Gravity Field for 10 hours straight, Xia Tian was finally able to move freely under the pressure of four times gravity plus iron weights on his body. As he said to himself, he ran around the room quickly. "I'm really satisfied with this place! This increases my speed, but I still don't dare to use level three because the gravity becomes 6x heavier."

The two women who watched him couldn't help but gawk and sigh, because Xia Tian's adaptability to four times heavier gravity was simply extraordinary, and they had never seen anyone like him before. After that, they hurriedly left the place. Yu Yunzhi decided to return to her room, and Yao Yin went to the Dual Cultivation Chamber to meet hrt best friend.

Shortly after they left, Xia Tian immediately came out of the room and returned to his room, and he immediately entered the Ancient Sacred Realm afterward.


Ancient Sacred Realm