The Segas

Many people find their parents' jobs boring no matter how great that job is.

Mason knows this information because literally all his friends hate spending time in their parents' workplaces.

Mason was a very popular student in both high school and university, so you can guess that he had a lot of friends which proves that this information is generally right.

Well, that doesn't apply on Mason's life.

He loves spending time with his father in his office when the latter works on his clients' cases.

Mason just sits with him and help sometimes, because although he studied very hard to become a lawyer, he knows that he still needs long years to become as good as his father.

His father Hudson always reminds him how he will become even better than him, because he will teach him everything he learnt in these long years of his life.

Mason always appreciates his father's motivation and support.

Right now, Mason is in the court room because today is the trial of one of the members of the Segas.

A far as Hudson knows about Segas, they are some type of gang but not a regular one that can be easily caught by the police.

It's a huge gang, they have a lot of money which is why he feels like he is dealing with an empire of a Mafia.

He has been working on the Segas' case for more than twelve years but haven't find out who the boss of this gang is.

In fact, in these twelve years, the authorities could not even arrest one of the members of this gang let alone finding their master.

He is not the only lawyer that has been working on it, since this case was given to a team of the best detectives and lawyers to work on, but nobody succeeded in finding any evidence other than the evidence that the Segas left intentionally for them such the name that they go by which is the Segas.

Nobody has any idea of the meaning of that name either.

If you would ask Mason about the Segas' case, the least he would say is how much he is obsessed with it and want to solve it.

Finally after years of working, Hudson was able to find a new clue.

That clue was a CCTV camera footage which helped him recognize the face of one of the members of the Segas.

He gave that video to the police who immediately arrested the suspect who turned out to be a 6'3 tall, twenty-six-year-old blond male, named Julian… with no last name and literally no other information.

His fingerprints do not exist in the country's data base.

It's like this guy doesn't exist at all.

When the interrogators have interrogated him, Julian did give them his name and age, but refused to answer any other question.

They even put him on lie detector but they were left empty handed because the guy seemed to be sitting there like a statue unable to feel, hear or see anything, his heartbeats did go up or down at all but he had a fierce and strong look on his face that perfectly matched his body which was filled with tattoos.

" This is insane." Mason whispered after he read the file of the case multiple times but was unable to get any new clue because the file did not even have much in it that can lead him to anything new.

He was sitting in the court room with the public members because he wanted to be present in Julian's trial.

That is something exciting and important for him because it has something to do with the Segas.

The guy is literally one of the Segas, he was thrilled to meet him and attend his trial since the moment he heard from his dad how they were able to arrest a Segas.

In the left of the court room, there were twelve people sitting with a laptops in front of each one them, these people were the jury.

All the way in the back of the room, Mason was sitting with the members of the public as there was an tablet in his hand that had all the information that the lawyers and detectives collected about the Segas and in front of him there were two counsels.

Right in front of the counsels, there was the team of the solicitors.

That team consisted from Hudson and four other lawyer against another lawyer that was hired by the court to defend Julian.

Ahead of everyone there was the judge was sitting on the highest place in the court room, then there was the court clerk close to the judge.

The door of the court room got opened which caught everybody's attention as each person that was in the room turned around to look at the door from where Julian who was dressed in an orange suit and was being held by four officers with his hand being cuffed behind his back, walked inside the room.

He looked so peaceful and calm as if he is not a member of one of the most dangerous gang out there.

One of the officers pushed Julian aggressively on his assigned seat, while the other officers surrounded him from the other sides.

Mason quickly pulled his phone out and captured some quick pictures of the offender and put it back inside his pocket.

"Members of the jury, your duty today will be to determine whether the defendant is guilty or not guilty based only on facts and evidence provided in this case." Said the judge.

The trial started, the defense lawyer hated his job at this moment because first there is nothing to use in order to defend Julian because the CCTV camera footage literally have the entire crime save on that clip which is why he just tried to defend Julian and do his job saying that in the video Julian's face was not too clear and that the person in the footage might be someone that looks like him.

He also used the fact that the fingerprints that they found in the crime scene do not belong to Julian.

The defense lawyer sighed and sat right back when he finally finished stating what he had to defend his client then he glanced at Hudson who objected what Conor aka the defense attorney said.

Hudson stood up which caught Mason's attention as the latter could not help but feel proud while watching how his dad showed the footage to everybody present in the court room.

Technology is advanced which is why whatever Conor said about the quality of the video was immediately objected by the jury and the judge when Hudson showed them a 4k version of the clip and a clearer picture of Julian's face during that crime.

Hudsons asked for permission to talk to the offender and he did in fact get the permission from the judge " Julian, is that you in the video or not?"

It was a stupid question because the answer is more than obvious but if Hudson manages to make Julian confess that would quickly put an end to this trial.

" Yes." A victorious smirk formed on Mason's mouth when he heard the offender's response, but he felt so confused as to why Julian confessed this easily.

It's like the guy has no idea about what the punishment of his actions will be or maybe he just accepted his fate.

The judge wrote something on the papers in front of him while Hudson just walked closer to Julian who raised his gaze toward him silently " Did you murder Alex Parrish?"

" Yes." Again Julian answered, there was no emotion clear on his face, he was just gazing at the lawyer in front him and answering his questions.

This is what confused everybody because Julian refused to talk to any interrogator or police officer when they asked him, but that doesn't matter right now, what matters is getting more information from Julian.

" Tell me, why did you murder Alex Parrish?" Asked Hudson again after bringing a chair to sit right before Julian who again answered calmly " Snitches die."

So Alex Parrish knew something about the Segas and was going to tell the police or maybe an enemy gang which is why Julian killed him before he can do so.

That's great.

" Okay, was he one of you? The Segas?" Julian refused to answer that question, he just kept staring at the attorney who sighed and decided to ask another question " What made you become one of the Segas? How did join that gang?"

Julian scoffed and smirked without saying anything.

Of course he would not answer any of the questions about the Segas.

He has just said it, 'Snitches die'.

Before Hudson could even open his mouth to talk, he was interrupted by Julian " Listen Verlice, I will not answer any question about the Segas. Yes, I'm the one in the video. And yes, I killed Alex because he is snitch. And yes I take all the responsibilities of this crime. That's it, can you just say the sentence and put me back in jail, because I want to sleep."

Julian yawned in the end which shows how sleepy he is.

Mason's mouth hang low in disbelief when he heard what the offender said, Julian sounded fearless as if he doesn't care at all about spending the rest of his life in the jail.

One minute or less was more than enough for the judge and jury to agree about the fact that Julian is guilty which is why the latter was sentenced to fifteen years in prison for murdering Alex.

He was also charged of all the crimes that the Segas committed which is why he ended up with a life sentence in jail and a fine.

" The least I can say is I'm impressed. You put a Segas in jail forever. They should hire you as a detective now."

Mason was walking out of the whole court building while joking with his father in order to change the intense atmosphere that they had to put up with in the court room.

It was a very intense and strange trial.

It's something new and rare to see an offender not caring about spending their whole life in prison.

His jokes seemed to successfully bring a smile to his father's face as they both walked to their car, and were ready to go to a restaurant to have lunch together before going back home.

Hudson had to open the trunk of the car and take his work bag that he left there while Mason just stayed there waiting for his dad to finish taking off the attorney's black robe that he had to put on during the trial before they can head to the restaurant.

That was until Mason's gaze landed on the four SUVs that were parked at the back of the court building and what caught his attention is that the vehicles have no plates.

He was about to tell his father because this is illegal but his eyes instantly widened in shock when he noticed a very familiar face walking out of the court building with a confident grin on his face.

" Dad, isn't this Julian?" Hudson furrowed his eyebrows in confusion before quickly lifting his gaze just to get stunned by the sight in front of him.

Julian was literally walking out of the court building with two masked men, he even waved at Hudson and his son before getting in one of the SUVs that immediately moved away from the entire area.

" Mason, call the police. Hurry up." Hudson uttered before rushing inside the court building while Mason was left alone unable to process what has just happened but he immediately dialed the police's number.