Mason’s Birthday

" I don't know what's wrong with my friends." Spoke Mason who let his body fall on the couch.

After the visit that Matthew paid him the other day, the latter and himself found themselves getting close to one another for some reason.

The couch that he is laying down on right now belong to Matthew who chuckled and continued caressing Teddy's fur " Defind weird."

Mason sighed and flipped on his stomach as he rested his chin on both of the palms of his hands, " They have been acting serious for the past two days. Lucas and Benjamin are never serious."

This made Matthew humm and push his hair to the back " Maybe they are going through something serious."

" I'm telling you Lucas and Ben are never serious even if we are dying they are going to crack a joke." Matthew pushed his bottom lip upwards and lifted his eyebrow " Well, I don't know what to say... Do you want a hug?"