Helicopter’s Crash

Mason glared at Matthew that's sitting right next to him angrily.

Matthew pressed his lips against each other and did his best to avoid eye contact with Mason because he does not want to see how mad the latter is at him.

You might be wondering why.

Well, they are both sitting inside the helicopter after getting handcuffed to each other by Salvatore's men aka Matthew's uncle's men that chased them around the island for almost an hour and caught them eventually.

Why is Mason mad at Matthew?

Well, that's because he is the reason why they are in this situation.

Although Mason is the one who made that call, and Salvatore was able to track their location through it, Mason thinks if Matthew were not a mafia boss and also if he hadn't brought them to this island, they would not have been in this type of situation.

What's making him angerier right now is the fact that these men handcuffed his right hand with Matthew's left one,