
" Dad?" Mason's eyes widened, he did not know if he was dreaming right now or not.

How did his father come to this farm?

How did he even know he was here?

Did he know about Matthew all this time and pretended like he did not?

What the hell is going on?

What is he supposed to do and say now?

How is he supposed to get away with this?

Matthew looked at Hudson, gritting his teeth, feeling so mad and upset, because why can't he just be with his boyfriend without interruption?

It's either Salvatore interrupting them, the police or his mafia members.

Matthew is so sick of it because he tried his best to go somewhere isolated alone with Mason, but still the problems follow them.

Now what is he supposed to do when Hudson found out about his fake death?

He could just kill him and get rid of the problem but he also can't, because if he actually does kill him, Mason will hate him for the rest of their lives.