Chapter 9:The Beginning Of A Tragedy

It was broad daylight, the sun was high in the sky. There was grassland and a wooden house could be seen in the grassland. And a palace could be seen on the horizon. This grassland and the palace were in the territory of the Zhang Clan.

"Mom, do you know what happened today," a young girl, who was covered in dust, around 8 to 9 years old was running towards a woman.

The woman was sitting outside a wooden house, the surroundings were plain grasslands. She had straight long black hair extending to her waist, black eyes, she had a slim waist, and was wearing the white Shenyi with beautiful lapis blue color flower patterns on it, looking extremely beautiful. Her appearance was similar to Cho Byeol. When she saw the girl running towards her, she smiled. She stood up and picked the girl up.

"What happened?" The woman looked lovingly at the girl and asked. 

"No, I'm not gonna, first put me on the ground, I'm covered with dust right now, and I don't want mommy to get dirty as well," the girl said.

"Oh, my daughter has grown up, I probably need to tell your dad, that you won't let us pick you up anymore, maybe you won't take care of us anymore. What will your dad and I do now, maybe we should leave," the woman smiled and said teasingly to the girl.

"No, that's not what I'm saying, I just don't want you to get dirty as well," the girl said. She was almost going to cry.

"I'm just kidding, don't worry" When the woman saw that the girl was going to cry, she put her down and said.

"You won't leave me, right," the girl said and looked at the woman worriedly.

"Why would I leave my beautiful Cho Byeol," the woman looked at the girl adoringly.

The girl's name was Cho Byeol and the woman standing in front of her was her mother. Her name was Eun Kyung. She looked similar to the adult Cho Byeol.

" Promise, you're not lying, right?" Cho Byeol asked.

"Ok, Promise, and have I ever lied to you?" Eun Kyung asked confidently.

"You lie to me every day," Cho Byeol muttered to herself. Because Cho Byeol was cute, Eun Kyung teased her whenever she had the chance. She couldn't help but tease Cho Byeol whenever she saw her.

"Huh, when have I ever done that," When Eun Kyung heard her, she was embarrassed and turned her head to the left and said.

"Well, forget about that, didn't you want to tell me about something?" Eun Kyung hurriedly changed the topic.

"Huh.., I almost forgot about it, mom do you know, I met a boy today, who should be around 15 years old," Cho Byeol said excitedly while looking at her mom.

"Oh, and what about it? Can you tell me his name and where does he live?" Eun Kyung smiled and asked Cho Byeol.

"Well, I forgot to ask about his name but he was going to fall into the river and I saved him and after that, he thanked me and left," Cho Byeol said while thinking.

"Oh, and how did that happen? Nothing happened to you right?" Eun Kyung asked with narrow eyes while looking at Cho Byeol worriedly.

"Well, he was practicing, and his method failed, causing him to face backlash. Because of this, he almost fell into the river and it so happened that I was playing with my friends near the river, when I saw that he was going to fall into the river I saved him. But after thanking me he didn't stay and left." Cho Byeol said to Eun Kyung.

"You're a good girl you know, you saved someone without any reason and didn't even mind when he left without introducing himself," Eun Kyung smiled and said to Cho Byeol. 

"Yeah, I'm a good girl," Cho Byeol became even more excited when she heard her mom praising her.

"And anyway, it's not like you have the brain to think of any reason?" Eun Kyung chuckled and said teasingly.

"What, I'm not going to talk to you any more mom. You're bad, father says that I'm a smart girl," Cho Byeol said angrily.

"Oh, are you sure," when Eun Kyung saw how cute Cho Byeol looked when she became angry, Eun Kyung laughed inwardly and couldn't help but tease her even more.

"Huh, I am not going to talk to you any more mom," Cho Byeol became even angrier and said. After saying that she ran inside the house.

"My foolish little girl," when Eun Kyung saw Cho Byeol run inside the house, she smiled with her hand on her mouth and muttered.


On the next day,

Cho Byeol went to Riverside to play with her friends again. While she was playing, she saw the boy again, practicing near the river. She was confused, why would the boy come and practice near the river again after what happened yesterday? Wasn't he afraid that he might face the backlash again and fall into the river? While she was thinking, she heard a voice, 

"Cho Byeol, what are you doing, it's your turn," Huh…, I'm coming" Cho Byeol didn't care about the boy anymore and started playing with her friends again. After all, what could she do, if the boy himself wanted to practice near the river? 


After one hour or so everyone left, when Cho Byeol was going to leave as well, she saw that the boy was still practicing near the river, so she went to talk to him. 

"Hi, I'm Cho Byeol, what's your name?" Cho Byeol went to him and said,

The boy had dark purple color irises, and narrow eyes, his hair extended to his waist and had purple color. He wore a blue robe. His eyes were cold. When he heard Cho Byeol's voice, he turned his eyes to look at her and then returned to his practice.

When Cho Byeol saw this, her eyes twitched, she was getting annoyed by the boy's attitude. How could there be someone like this, not even answering the one who helped him? 

"Forget it," after not getting any answer, she turned around and left.

After going home, she told her mom about the boy again. 

The next day, she saw him again, this went on for many weeks, and the boy also started speaking with Cho Byeol. This was because Cho Byeol would always go to him and start speaking to him, even if he didn't answer or say anything. She had already considered the boy her silent friend. 

After many years, Cho Byeol as always went to the boy and said, 

"Hey, Dong-Min, why do you always keep on practicing, you don't even travel with me"

The boy's name was Dong-Min, he had already grown up and was looking more mature and handsome.

"Because I want to get stronger," Dong-Min said to Cho Byeol while practicing.

He didn't even turn around to look at Cho Byeol.

While Cho Byeol and Dong Min were talking to each other, they suddenly heard a voice coming from behind, 

"Dong Min, today is the day you'll die" 

When Dong Min and Cho Byeol turned to look, they saw that two men wearing black clothes and their faces covered with veils were coming closer to them. 

"Stay behind, and keep a distance from us," Dong-Min said to Cho Byeol and started fighting with the two men.

The fight was fierce and went on for two hours, all three of them were tired. It showed just how strong Dong Min was, to face two men at the same time was impossible for an ordinary cultivator.

"What do you guys want?" Dong-Min asked, his clothes were already tattered and was injured.

"Simple, we want your life, because of you, we were humiliated by the sect master in front of the whole crowd," One of the men said, while his eyes were bloodshot.

"Simply because of this, you want to take my life, you fools," Dong Min was extremely angry at the two men for attacking for such a trivial matter. After he said this, he directly attacked.

Cho Byeol was watching the fight from the side. Because this fight was out of her ability, she had to stay at the side. 

In the middle of the fight, she saw that while Dong-Min was busy fighting one of them, the other man was about to attack Dong-Min from behind. Without thinking about anything, she jumped in front of the man's attack and was severely injured. She didn't die because the man was already tired while fighting Dong-Min. She fell to the ground and started bleeding from her nose and mouth. 

When Dong-Min saw this, he became extremely angry and attacked the two men furiously, killing them. Then Dong-Min started healing Cho-Byeol, but it was useless because she didn't wake up. When Dong-Min saw this, he became extremely nervous and took Dong-Min to her parents because they were stronger and had a strong background. So, he was confident that they would be able to heal Cho Byeol.

When he reached their territory, because of the restrictions, he couldn't enter and had to shout out loudly. 


After one hour, 

"How did this happen?" Dong-Min clenched his fists and said.

"That's exactly what I want to know, how did this happen?" Eun Kyung looked at Dong-Min coldly with narrowed eyes and asked. 

"I know this happened to her because of me, if she hadn't tried to save me, this wouldn't have happened and I might've also died," Dong-Min said, blaming himself.

"You know as well, to a cultivator, cultivation is the most important thing and because of you, more than half of her cultivation has dropped," Eun Kyung said and emitted terrifying pressure. Dong-Min felt as if a mountain was pressing on him.

Cho Byeol's cultivation aperture was damaged and her cultivation dropped by more than half. To a cultivator, cultivation was the most important thing, and Dong-Min also understood this.

Right at this moment, Eun Kyung heard a voice from inside the house and went in. When Eun Kyung went in, she saw that Cho Byeol was struggling to sit on the bed, while she was lying on the bed.

Eun Kyung went and helped Cho Byeol.

"Mom, what happened, why can't I sense my cultivation level," Cho Byeol was confused and asked Eun Kyung.

Eun Kyung hesitated before telling her what happened.

"And because of that, I had to seal your aperture, to prevent it from destroying your body and losing more cultivation," after telling her everything, Eun Kyung said.

When Cho Byeol heard this, she was in a daze and after a while, two lines of tears fell from her eyes. She couldn't believe what Eun Kyung said. 

"You're lying, you're trying to fool me like always, right mom? Don't lie about these things, I don't like it or I'll tell father that you're teasing me again" Cho Byeol said while trying to force a smile on her face but tears were still falling from her eyes.

When Eun Kyung heard Cho Byeol, she turned her head around, she couldn't look at Cho Byeol in this situation. 

When Cho Byeol saw Eun Kyung turning her head around and not saying anything, she understood that her mom wasn't lying and everything she said was true. She didn't say anything else and lay down on the bed, turning her body to the left side, completely silent. When Eun Kyung saw this, she wanted to say something to comfort Cho Byeol but couldn't say anything. After all, it was a fact that Cho Byeol had lost her cultivation level and her aperture was also damaged. No matter what Eun Kyung said, it wasn't going to change.

But she had already determined that no matter what happened, she would do her best to find a cure for Cho Byeol. But, before that, she wanted to destroy the one who was the reason for this, her eyes turned cold and were ready to devour the one who did this to her daughter. She didn't believe that it was simply the conflict between Dong-Min and the men who had already died. After all, no matter what, that river was in the middle of major sects, and no one would dare to kill anyone there, or why would Eun Kyung let her daughter go play there with her friends when Cho Byeol was still young?
