Chapter 11:What Do You Want

"Elder, can I ask you something? Who're they?" Eun Kyung asked, she felt that something was wrong with the other two.

"These two are the elders of our sect, because of the recent turmoil, I had to ask them to come with me. And after our meeting, I have a mission I need to complete. I brought them with me, So we could directly leave for the mission after this, and I also won't have any fear while in the territory of the Zhang Clan"

"Even though I know you won't pull any tricks on me or try to harm me, still being cautious isn't a bad thing. So, I hope you won't mind this." Dong-Min's uncle said calmly, not worried at all about if Eun Kyung would allow them in or not.

When Eun Kyung heard this she looked hesitant, she understood what Dong-Min's uncle was trying to say, but she was hesitant whether she should let them in or not, after all this was an important decision she had to make. After all, if she doesn't let them in, they might get upset and decide not to give them the method to heal the aperture to its original state. But if she does allow them in, they might do something to the small space or harm their resources. So, she thought of something and said, 

"Elder, it's like this, how about I come out and have a meeting with you somewhere else because right now, our clan is doing some work in the small space, and we can't show it to others," Eun Kyung's expression was calm because she could only do this now, and she didn't have any other choice.

"I don't mind, we can finish this quickly and I can go deal with my mission afterward," Dong-Min's uncle said, he didn't mind at all.

On the other hand, the other two men frowned.

Inside the small space

"Mom, why are we going out to discuss the matter about the cure? We can also discuss it here, and it's not like they would do anything to harm our small space. I believe in Dong-Min, he wouldn't do anything like this." Cho Byeol asked Eun Kyung, puzzled, she didn't understand the reason for Eun Kyung's decision.

"I believe in you, but I can't just take the risk, it's better to be cautious than regret later, and Byeol, you haven't seen the world's true colors, people can get greedy anytime and can have ulterior motives." Eun Kyung said with a smile on her face after seeing Cho Byeol's innocence. Eun Kyung had already seen the world and understood that the world was a cruel place. She was just being cautious in case of something going wrong. 

"Oh," Cho Byeol still didn't understand what Eun Kyung was trying to say, she was still confused and puzzled.

"Anyway, you'll understand with the passage of time, right now, we have something important to deal with, shall we go? Or is it that you've changed your mind and don't want the cure anymore," when Eun Kyung saw Cho Byeol's puzzled expression, she understood what Cho Byeol was thinking and said with a smile.

"Why would I?" Cho Byeol said with an annoyed expression, 

"Then, let's go," Eun Kyung said while smiling.


After a while, Dong-Min saw a small space opening in the air in front of him, then a white light came from inside of the space, and the space extended to the size of four meters in height and two meters wide. It was like a giant door and had dragon markings on both sides of the door. The door was blue in color. Then the white light dissipated, and he saw four people coming out of the space, at the front were a woman and a girl and behind them were two men.

They were Eun Kyung, Cho Byeol, and two other elders of the Zhang clan.

"It just so happens, we also need to complete a mission. So, I hope you won't mind if these two also come along with us." Eun Kyung said with a smile while looking at Dong-Min's uncle.

After Eun Kyung said this, the other two men behind her nodded at Dong-Min's uncle.

In response, he also nodded back at them and said, 

"Why would I mind that? It's fine, after all, I also brought two elders with me without informing you. Forget about that, and tell me, shall we go somewhere else? It seems weird talking like this in front of Zhang Clan's small space," Dong-Min's uncle said while smiling warmly.

"Ok, let's go somewhere else," Eun Kyung said.

"Huh, I almost forgot, my name is Su Zhao, this is my nephew Dong-Min, the elder at my right is Yuan Hue and the elder on the left side of mine is Han Ning," Dong-Min's uncle said, his name was Su Zhao.

"Oh, I know about them, they are very famous. Maybe, I should also introduce ourselves. My name is Eun Kyung, this is my daughter Cho Byeol, and the elders behind me are Chul Moo and Dae Yun" Eun Kyung introduced her and the others behind her.

After talking for a while and exchanging a few pleasantries, they left the place and traveled to some other place, which was close to the Zhang Clan. 

There was a valley, which was empty in the middle, and surrounding it were many trees, in the middle of the valley were eight people. They were sitting on the ground and in the middle of them was a table, on which eight teacups rested. Smoke was rising from the cups.

"Elder Su Zhao, I heard that you have a method, which can help one cure his aperture and let it return to its original condition?" Eun Kyung asked, looking at Su Zhao. 

"Well, I have something like this, but I can't just give it to anyone, now can I?" Su Zhao said, looking at Eun Kyung. 

"Don't worry, I surely won't reveal the method to anyone, and my daughter got like this while protecting your nephew. So, I hope you would consider it, "Eun Kyung said, 

"That's not a problem, but…, what benefits would I get by giving you the method to cure an aperture," Su Zhao stopped a little, and said, directly asking for the benefits,

When Eun Kyung heard this, she didn't get angry or mind it, instead, she smiled because she knew that nothing comes free in this world, and who would give a precious method like this to anyone? That person would definitely be a fool if they gave such a precious method of curing the aperture to anyone without any benefits. So, she had more confidence in getting the aperture now.

"What do you want? I can give it to you as long as I have what you require." After thinking for a while, Eun Kyung said while looking at Su Zhao calmly. 

"What I require is you," Su Zhao said, 

"What do you mean by that, elder Su Zhao?" Eun Kyung frowned and asked. She became vigilant of Su Zhao.

"What I mean is, I require your body, the physique you possess," Su Zhao said calmly and looked at Eun Kyung. He was smiling sinisterly, he looked like a villain now, his expression was extremely sinister.

"How did you know about my physique?" Eun Kyung was surprised when she heard Su Zhao.

"That's not what matters the most, what I want is your physique. So, are you willing to exchange it for the method?" Su Zhao said,

When the other two elders beside Eun Kyung heard this, they became angry and said, 

"Do you know what you're saying elder Su Zhao"

"You should know your limit, Zhang Clan isn't something you can offend,"

As for Cho Byeol, she was puzzled and was in a daze, it looked like she was not aware that Eun Kyung had a physique. And she was in a daze because of Su Zhao's demand, he was literally demanding Eun Kyung, her mother, how could she not be angry?

"Dong-Min, what's the meaning of this?" Cho Byeol asked Dong-Min, wanting to know if he knew about this.

Dong-Min didn't say anything and kept on smiling while standing behind his uncle. He had his arms folded around his chest.

When Cho Byeol saw him smiling and standing there without doing anything, she understood that he knew about his uncle's intentions, but didn't do anything. Suddenly, she had a thought and her expression changed drastically, she said, 

"Dong-Min, please don't tell me that you befriended me because of this?" 

"You finally understand, but unfortunately, it's too late," Dong-Min said with a smile.

"We're leaving, let's go," Eun Kyung said to the elders beside her. She stood up and turned around to leave when suddenly she heard Su Zhao's voice,

"You can't leave now, it's already too late for you guys," Su Zhao said with a smile on his face while drinking tea, he was still sitting in his place.

"What do you mean?" The elder beside Eun Kyung asked Su Zhao with a frown. His name was Dae Yun.

"You still don't understand, don't you feel that something is weird?" Dong-Min said.

Eun Kyung looked around, she also felt that something was weird about this place, for some time she had been feeling like this. Suddenly, she frowned and activated her methods to detect, her expression became serious all of a sudden.

"Don't tell me, you..," Eun Kyung spoke,

while she was speaking, she got disturbed by Su Zhao's voice in the middle.

"You discovered it, that's right, we're already in a small space. I was first worried when I came to your Zhang clan's small space and that if I would be able to capture you or not, but when you suggested that we should talk somewhere else, I almost couldn't help but feel happy," Su Zhao stood up from his place and said to Eun Kyung, it looked like he was preparing to fight.

"It looks like we don't have any choice but to fight," Eun Kyung said to the elder and was prepared to fight

Chi Byeol also took a stance and was ready to fight, but when Eun Kyung saw her she said, 

"Cho Byeol, stay behind us and don't get involved. We will try to break this small space and give you an opening to escape," Eun Kyung said to Cho Byeol, who was prepared to fight. She didn't look at Cho Byeol and her gaze was firmly focused on Su Zhao. 

"No, I will fight with you as well. We're in this situation because of me, so I'll also fight with you." Cho Byeol said with determination on her face. She hadn't expected this to happen, if she did, she would have never befriended Dong-Min.

"What can you do? You'll only slow us down, your cultivation has already fallen to the early stages, you'll only be killed with a single blow. And even if you had your old cultivation level, even then, you wouldn't be their match. And if you manage to escape, you'll at least be able to tell the Zhang clan about what happened here. Do you understand?" Eun Kyung shouted loudly, her face was extremely serious right now as if she didn't want to hear no from Cho Byeol.

Cho Byeol became silent and didn't say anything, her heart was heavy, she was sad. Because of her, they had fallen into a trap, she couldn't bear this. And what's more, was that she couldn't even help them. She had sacrificed her cultivation and her talent, and she had even put her life at the line many times for Dong-Min, just to be betrayed. If she had her old cultivation level, she might have been able to help them. 

Right at this moment, Eun Kyung attacked Su Zhao and the fight began. Many kinds of different techniques were unleashed.

Cho Byeol watched from the side in a daze. Her world had changed completely, a new world was revealed to her, the reality of the world, a changing world.
