Chapter 13:She Has Changed

Su Zhao was not worried at all that Cho Byeol got away, instead, he was smiling, as if he wanted Cho Byeol to get away from here.

Eun Kyung didn't see Su Zhao smiling, because her face was still under Su Zhao's foot.

After a while, Dong-Min came to Su Zhao's side, he had already regained consciousness.

"Uncle Su, where is Cho Byeol? I can't see her anywhere." Dong-Min asked his uncle after seeing that Cho Byeol was not around. 

"She got away," Su Zhao said expressionlessly, with a calm tone.

When Eun Kyung heard Su Zhao's calm tone she understood that something was amiss.

"What! Why did you let her go, uncle, what if she brings her father and clan members back here?" Dong-Min became nervous when he heard Su Zhao and asked anxiously.

"You fool, of course, she would bring others here with her. As for his father, he has already left the clan for some mission, or do you think that we would have succeeded in our scheme if he was here?" Su Zhao said annoyingly, seemingly getting annoyed by Dong-Min"s useless questions.

"Then why did you let her go?" Dong-Min said, still not understanding what his uncle was trying to do here?

"You fool, why would we stay here and wait for them to come, even after we succeeded in our mission? We are going to leave this place" Su Zhao turned his face around to look at Dong-Min and said.

"Uncle, what about Cho Byeol?" Dong-Min asked again, he wanted to know why his uncle let her get away.

"Even if Cho Byeol's talent and cultivation level dropped, she still has the foundation of her previous talent. If it can be restored to its previous state, she might also get a physique." Su Zhao said seriously.

"Oh, but how can you be so sure that her talent will be restored?" Dong-Min said with confusion, he didn't understand how his uncle could be so sure that her talent would be restored.

"Simple because his father would do everything to restore his daughter's talent to its previous state. He loves her dearly," Su Zhai said with a calm expression.

Eun Kyung was also listening to their conversation, when she heard what Su Zhao said, her expression changed to that of fear. 

Eun Kyung's thoughts were, would her daughter face the same fate as her?

When she thought of this, her face turned determined.

Several seconds later..,

There was an explosion, the range of which extended to the size of several kilometers

Eun Kyung had self-destructed.


In the cave, where Yang Zhai was staying with Cho Byeol and Bae Ah.

"After that, Cho Byeol brought several elders with her to the location, only to find a big crater and chaos everywhere. It looked like an explosion had happened after Cho Byeol had left." Bae Ah explained to Yang Zhai with tears in her eyes.

"Nothing could be found there and after investigation, it was discovered that Eun Kyung had self-destructed and had died. As for her death, it was confirmed after discovering that the Kas to which her soul and body were connected were destroyed, which were stored in the clan's connection hall."

"After discovering that Eun Kyung had died, the clan elders didn't tell Cho Byeol about this, and her father had also requested the clan to keep it a secret from Cho Byeol."

"She only knows that her mother was captured, and she still hopes to find her mother. Even though the clan hadn't told Cho Byeol about her mother's death, the thought of her mother being captured affected her greatly."

"As I mentioned before, her body is fragile.  Even though she doesn't have any sickness, this in itself is a sickness. Exactly because of this, her cultivation level dropped with her talent as well, or how could it be possible that her cultivation dropped from the high ranks to the low. Well..., that is what the elders of the clan think" Bae Ah explained to Yang Zhai, with sadness on her face.

"What do you mean by that, that is what the elders of the clan think. Do you have a different opinion about this," Yang Zhai understood what Bae Ah was trying to say, so he asked her. 

"No, not me, but Cho Byeol's father. He has a different theory about this." Bae Ah answered, 

"And what would that be?" Yang Zhai asked.

"He thinks that what happened to Cho Byeol was Dong-Min and his uncle's doing, he thinks that they used some kind of method to ruin Cho Byeol cultivation so that they could obtain her mother's physique." Bae Ah a said seriously,

Yang Zhai frowned when he heard her, he also thought that everything was done by Dong-Min's uncle. Or why would Dong-Min befriend Cho Byeol without any plan? When Yang Zhai thought of how deep the scheme was, he felt chills run down his spine. Their scheme was really too deep; they went directly to the clan's small space. Because going into a small space was equivalent to being prisoned by the owner of that small space. Unless the owner wanted to, the door would never open no matter what without a strong method.

And methods, which could open a door to the small space, are extremely rare. If they weren't sure of escaping out of the small space, they would have never gone to the small space. Which means that they were sure that they would be able to escape. That means that there was a traitor in the clan. Or how could Dong-Min and his uncle know about Eun Kyung's physique, which was a secret of the clan, and also about Cho Byeol's father not being at home?

But their luck was good, and Eun Kyung asked them to have a meeting outside. Which gave them even more assurance of succeeding in their mission.

These were all Yang Zhai's thoughts.

"The level at which Cho Byeol is not even close to her previous cultivation Rank. She has been at the Rank 3 peak stage for many years; her father wanted to use some methods to advance her cultivation level but didn't. He was afraid that because of her injury, something would happen to her if he used some method. So, he is still trying to find a cure for Cho Byeol. If she had her old cultivation rank, you would not even dare to speak in front of her." Bae Ah said to Yang Zhai.

When Yang Zhai heard her, he felt insulted, but he didn't understand why. After all, Bae Ah was only stating the facts.

"I told you before that this is the second time Cho Byeol got like this. The first time was after she returned to the clan empty-handed, without finding her mom. She couldn't bear the loneliness, and the thought that she would not be seeing her mother in her house anymore made her get like this. Her father was also out on a mission, and it took him many weeks to return."

"How would you feel, if you couldn't find the one you loved the most in your house anymore and only the dark house with extreme silence? She lost the smile, she lost her daily life, she lost the light and what welcomed her every morning was gloominess, a dark house, a silent house, a grassland with the sun's light without her mom. Before her mother's death, she wouldn't light the candles, but her mom would, but after her mom, nobody did. She sat there in a dark corner of the house, sometimes crying and sometimes being completely silent. This affected her greatly, and it took many years for her to get better."

"Her father took Cho Byeol to many healers, many great cultivators, but nobody was able to treat her. She was affected mentally, which affected her physically as well. According to them, she could be only healed by one healer, and that was time. Time heals many things, and it also changes many things."

"As for me, I became her friend when she was young, around the age of 7 to 8 years old. My talent is also great, not close to her, but it's fine. My cultivation was also high before, but when I learned of her, I also used some methods to drop it to the rank of which she was at. We had promised each other that we would never surpass each other and would grow together. Even though her talent was better than mine, she had never surpassed me and had always stayed at the same Rank as I was at. I am waiting for her to advance before I advance. If I wanted to, I would've long been advanced to Rank 4."

"I learned of all this from the clan and what had happened to her. I wanted to see Cho Byeol at that time, but the clan didn't allow me to see Cho Byeol because of her condition, they were afraid that something would happen to her. But when her father returned, he let me see her, and I've never left her side since then,"

"You once said to me that she is unaware of how the world really works, and even more so for a girl who never left her clan. How could a girl know about the world if she never even left her clan, right?"

"But you were completely wrong. She knows about the world and about how people change. She does not just know, but she has even experienced this."

"The thing is, even though she knows about the world and its cruelty. She didn't want to change, she wanted to stay the same as she was before."

"But the thing, which she doesn't know, is that she has already changed. She has changed completely" Bae Ah explained all of this to Yang Zhai.
