Chapter 15:Finding The Sand

Yang Zhai was still searching when he heard some noises coming from the cave on his left side. Yang Zhai used his methods to make himself invisible and entered the cave.

He could sense that it was dangerous to enter the cave. And from the noises he could hear, he understood that there were many beasts in the cave, as for what Rank they possessed was unknown.

After a while, Yang Zhai could see some beasts. These beasts looked like monkeys, but their ears extended to the size of one meter, and their height was around 1.5 meters.

Yang Zhai didn't know about these beasts, and he also couldn't sense their Rank. It looked like they had the ability to hide their aura or something.

Yang Zhai carefully moved deeper into the cave. The passageway for going deep into the cave was three to four meters narrow. He saw many beasts along the way. They were in groups of two to three, and he could see many groups from time to time.

Yang Zhai kept on walking. After walking for two to three miles, he saw a purple light coming from the end of the tunnel.

After a while, he reached the end of the passageway and saw purple sand, which was emitting purple light. One beast was sitting around it, around the size of two meters. It looked like he was the leader of the other monkeys.

But strangely, there was no other beast around it. And this cave was as big as a large hall, around half a mile¹. There was a ceiling full of stalactites. These stalactites were special. They were also the reason for the creation of the Sand of Moisture.

Yang Zhai carefully stepped forward, he was careful not to make any noise.

The Sand of Moisture was in the middle of the cave, and around it was a small oval-shaped pond. The monkey-type beast was sleeping at the side of the pond.

Because the Sand of Moisture was in the middle of the pond, the monkey-type beast couldn't sleep close to it. So, it had to sleep at the side of the pond. This gave Yang Zhai a chance to snatch it without alerting the beast or without any injuries.

Yang Zhai slowly walked towards the sand.

But suddenly, the beast opened its eyes and looked towards the direction he was in. Yang Zhai stopped right where he was. He understood something and thought: So, their ears are not just for show. I'm sure that he heard my footsteps, even though they were completely silent. I need to be careful so that he doesn't get alerted.

These were Yang Zhai's thoughts,

It turned out that the beasts could hear his footsteps, even though he was careful not to make any noises. Even if he was invisible, that didn't mean that he had disappeared or something like that. His body still existed, and so did his footsteps. If his body existed, that meant that he was present and his body could still be discovered if one tried hard enough.

This was what was happening right now, the monkey beast heard his footsteps.

And from the looks of it, it looked like these types of beasts could hear even the smallest of noises, which were almost non-existent to the human ears.

If something touches the ground, there would surely be reactions in the ground because of the weight and gravity. Even if no sound was made, reactions themselves possessed sounds. Which were the sounds made by the silent noises.

Yang Zhai understood this and waited for the monkey to sleep again. So that he would not be discovered. After Yang Zhai understood the ability of the monkey beast, he no longer moved an inch of his body carelessly. But he didn't understand one thing, and that was that if these beasts could hear even the smallest of noises, how did he manage to get here without anyone noticing him? He had crossed many groups of the monkey beast.

But no one even noticed him or heard his footsteps.

Could it be because the beasts he passed by previously had lower ranks, that they couldn't hear his footsteps? And the beast in front of him could hear the noises because he was strong? Yang Zhai thought that this was the most possible explanation. Or why would they let him pass by them? Wouldn't they have attacked?

After looking for a while, the monkey beast finally slept again. When Yang Zhai saw this, he heaved a sigh of relief. He could finally move.

But he had to be careful this time.

Yang Zhai thought for a moment and decided about what he needed to do.

Yang Zhai thought, and a rock appeared at his left side around two inches big, at least eighty to a hundred meters away from him. After a while, another rock appeared on his right side, around the same distance as before. It was also two inches big.

The rock on his left side fell to the ground and after making a sound, it turned into dust, disappearing. When the monkey king heard this, it looked in the direction from where the sound came, but couldn't find anything.

Yang Zhai repeated the same thing with the rock on his right side, it disappeared the same as before. When the monkey king heard the voice, it looked in that particular direction, but still couldn't find anything. It was baffling.

Yang Zhai repeated this process three times with six rocks, three on his right and three on his left. He was trying to set a pattern here and was also trying to make the monkey king confused.

When the monkey king heard the voices, it became cautious. It knew that something was wrong here and went in one of the directions from where the sounds were coming. Yang Zhai only threw the rocks in two directions with his methods. He had a plan, which he wanted to give a try. So, the monkey king knew that the sounds were coming from only two directions. And exactly between eighty to a hundred meters away from Yang Zhai.

The monkey king was going in the left direction of Yang Zhai, which was one of the locations from where the sounds came from.

When the monkey king walked in the left direction, Yang Zhai made another rock appear on his right side and made another sound. When the monkey king heard this, it walked in the right direction. But after walking for a while, it heard another sound from the left side.

When Yang Zhai saw that the monkey king was confused, he started throwing the rocks at the same time on both of his sides, at the same distance.

Then he stopped throwing the rocks. After a while, he threw the rock in one direction, and just as the rock was about to hit the ground, he moved as well, one step at a time. Then he threw the rock in another direction, and just at the point of the collision, he moved as well.

Just like that, he moved closer to the pond and closed the distance between him and the Sand of Moisture.

He wanted to avoid fighting the monkey king because he didn't know the exact rank of the monkey king. And if it turned out to be a Rank five beast, Yang Zhai would be in trouble.

Yang Zhai slowly closed the distance between him and the pond, arriving before it.

But he didn't directly jump into the pond and thought of how he should deal with it. If he goes into the pond, the monkey king would surely notice him, so he needed to be cautious here.

While thinking, he saw that there was a big stalactite above the monkey king. He thought of something and used a technique; a white, pale color blade appeared in front of him, which moved at speed unseeable to the eyes moving towards the stalactite that was above the monkey king. There was only a blurry figure of the sword, and it struck the stalactite.

Just as the blade hit the stalactites, the monkey king noticed and looked above. It jumped and moved from his place. But unfortunately for it, the stalactite still managed to hit its left leg.

Its left leg was bleeding profusely, but because of the ability the monkey king possessed, he managed to save himself by jumping at the right time. It still got injured because it had looked above when the stalactite was falling, delaying the time.

When Yang Zhai saw this, he had a thought: Could it be that there were no monkeys here other than the monkey king because it had forbidden them from coming here? So that he could hear even a little noise and that it would not be disturbed again and again by the noises they made.

Yang Zhai thought that this should be the case, after all, they had ears that were too powerful to even hear a little bit of the noise made. And that was the case, especially for the monkey king.
