Chapter 19:An Interesting Day(Part2)

"Really, what an interesting day. And what's more, there's more to come. I really can't ask for more. Truly marvelous, really, I'm enjoying this interesting day. You know, I'm very, very thankful to you." Bae Ah said while panting. 

Cho Byeol:"..." Completely speechless.

Cho Byeol looked at Bae Ah with a surprised and suspicious look in her eyes, as if Bae Ah had gone crazy or something. Who in the world would enjoy this so-called interesting day? Had she lost her mind because of the pressure she had been enduring while being chased by the blood-sucking bees? That must be it. After all, a few minutes ago she had been so angry at Yang Zhai for letting them enjoy this day that it could be seen in her eyes, how much she wanted to beat the crap out of him. But now she was enjoying this day.

"Hey, what's with her? Do you think that she has gone crazy or something?" Cho Byeol whispered in Yang Zhai's ear.

"Why do you say this?" Yang Zhai asked innocently. As if he didn't get the point Cho Byeol was trying to give.

"Well, she is enjoying this interesting day. " Cho Byeol looked at Yang Zhai.

"Huh, so you don't want her to enjoy this interesting day. What a cruel friend you're. She is completely having the fun of her life. I mean completely. Just look at her joy. I'm even jealous of her. And I'm sure you're enjoying this day as well. After all, you were the one who asked me to take you on an enjoyable trip. So, you should let her enjoy it as well." Yang Zhai scolded Cho Byeol.

Cho Byeol:"..." Completely speechless once again.

"When did I say that? Don't just make things up." Cho Byeol pulled a face at Yang Zhai and said.

"Hey, Bae Ah, I am happy that you're happy." Yang Zhai said with a smile.

"Like hell I'm happy. You lunatic. Where's your seriousness and high and mighty personality? You're a complete psycho. At the very least, you could have told us so that we could be prepared for this interesting day. And now, you tell us that there is still more to come. And how do you know that there is still more to come? Don't tell me, you have struck a deal with the beasts?" Bae Ah's right index finger trembled, while she pointed it at Yang Zhai.

"What are you talking about? Have you ever heard about something happening like this? They are beasts. And also, about me knowing this all: it's like this, the honey I'm holding is too great of an attraction to the beast. We will be chased by the beasts as long as we have this honey."

"Even the bees are able to sense their own honey. That being so, they can find our location. And if I recall correctly…, we will be chased by them pretty soon, ha,..ha, ..," Yang Zhai said, ignoring the other two's expressions.

Bae Ah:"..." Unable to think anymore

Cho Byeol:"..." Seriously speechless, seeing her seven generations of ancestors.

"Ancestors, I am coming to meet you guys. I wonder if you're in hell." Cho Byeol said while looking toward the sky and a helpless smile appeared on her face.

"We, …are done for," Bae Ah said

"Hey, wait a minute. We're being chased because of this honey, right? What if we throw it away? They'll leave us, yes, that is right. We need to throw this honey away." She mumbled to herself and looked at the honey in Yang Zhai's hands with a sinister look.

Yang Zhai:"..." This time Yang Zhai was speechless.

When he saw the look on her face, his body involuntarily trembled. He didn't like the look in her eyes. 

"Hey, hey stop right there,…" When Yang Zhai saw Bae Ah taking her steps forward slowly, he stumbled back and said.

"Give it to me,… give it to me,… give it to me, .." Bae Ah kept on mumbling the same words while she took steps forward as if a ghost had taken over her body. Her eyes turned devilish.1

"Like hell I will," Yang Zhai said

"Hey, do you want your hard work to go to nothing"

"I don't care, …" 

"How about this,… we just need to return to the cave, and because of the Dark-Shadow Leaves, these beasts won't be able to sense our presence," He spoke with a justifiable voice.

"I don't ca…" before Bae Ah could even complete her sentence, they hear the bushes to their left, move. The three of them turned to look and saw that a Rank 1 Wolf-Teeth Rabbit appeared from behind the bushes.

"Sigh, it's just a Rank 1 Wolf-Teeth Rabbit, I got scared for nothing," Bae Ah said.

"Let me finish it before it alerts other beasts" She went forward to kill it, but her eyes widened when she got close to it. It was because she saw hundreds of Wolf-Teeth Rabbits running toward them from behind the bushes. And some of them were even Rank 2.

"Run," she hurriedly turned around and ran.

Yang Zhai and Cho Byeol had confused expressions on their faces when they saw Bae Ah running.

But they did not stop to confirm the reason why she ran all of a sudden. They also turned around and ran with Bae Ah. Shortly after, their eyes widened as they saw hundreds of Wolf-Teeth Rabbits chasing after them. No wonder Bae Ah ran so suddenly. It turned out that they were once again being chased.

"Hey, just throw the honey away. Why are you so bent on taking the honey away?" Bae Ah persuaded Yang Zhai.

"So you can't sense it. It's a special kind of honey known as Essence Honey. You can't sense it because humans are unable to sense this honey. Whereas, beasts can precisely sense it because of their instincts."

"Do you know why it's called the Essence Honey? That is because the Blood-Sucking Bees are able to absorb the essence of other things, including other humans, except for the solid hard materials, like rock, metal, etc. Even though they can pierce them easily, they are unable to absorb their essence. That's because they are unable to find and collect the essence of rocks, metals, etc. But humans are full of essence."

"As long as the Essence Honey stays within the hive, its presence is suppressed. If it is taken out, then it would be perceivable by the other beasts. That is why we're being chased by the beasts.

"But don't worry, The Dark Shadow Leaves can hide their presence, that is if these leaves are large in numbers." Yang Zhai explained the reason for why he was so bent on getting the honey.

"But what does it do?" Cho Byeol was curious about the honey.

"Because it has absorbed the essence of other things, it can help one increase their essence and cultivation. It can also help restore injuries. Maybe, it will be able to help you restore your aperture a little bit as well." Yang Zhai explained the use of Essence Honey.

"But shouldn't it be more harmful instead of beneficial, because of absorbing the essence of others," Bae Ah asked, not sure about what Yang Zhai said.

"That's why it's special. The honey converted from the essence of other things by the Blood-Sucking Bees is pure of any and all negative emotions and impurities. It's a pure miracle."

"But, because of its pureness, it takes time for the Blood-Sucking bees to refine it. At the very least, 16 years and the older it is, the more beneficial it can be. Meaning thirty-year-old Essence honey can have double the effects. So, you see, that is why we can't throw it away." Yang Zhai said with a smile.

"And how old it is?" Cho Byeol asked

"21 years old"

"Why didn't you tell us before? If you had, we wouldn't be this worried and troubled." Bae Ah asked.

"If I had, where would be the fun and surprise in this?"

"So, why don't you just store it in your storage ring? It would be safer that way and can also save us the trouble of being chased." Bae Ah said, not wanting to argue with Yang Zhai. She was already annoyed by this guy as it is.

"I can't, its essence and power are too high for my storage ring to be able to contain it. Thus, we have no other choice but to keep it in our hands."

"I have an idea, why don't you go and hold them back, while I and Cho Byeol get the honey back to the cave? They are all weak; therefore, you should be able to hold your ground for a while. We will come back to save you. What do you say?" Yang Zhai suddenly asked Bae Ah to be canon fodder. Of course, he was just joking.

Bae Ah:"..." 

Her eyes and mouth twitched after hearing that. She couldn't believe this guy and his logic. 

Was he doing this on purpose?

"Go to hell."

"I have an idea, why don't you keep them occupied and we return to the cave?! After all, you're stronger than both of us. It would be more feasible if you stayed, Yang Zhai. We would surely come to save you." Bae Ah said innocently as if she was making a point. 

However, inside she was thinking:How do you like that? You want to make me stay? In your dreams. Like hell I will stay. What do you take me for?

"Huh,… me. Well,… I think we don't need to do this anymore. Look, they are already lagging behind. After all, they are Rank 1 beasts, only a few are Rank 2. But even they're lagging. So, we don't need anyone to do this anymore."

Yang Zhai said after looking behind. He thought: What is she saying? I just joked a little. But she wants me to stop these beasts. I think I should stop, or I might end up in a difficult situation.


1:Devilish is used as a metaphor