Chapter 21: Feng Shi

On Earth, 

In a specific place, stood a house with two floors. A man with his right arm missing was standing in the front yard of the house, looking at a tree, lost in thoughts.

A boy around the age of seven came to the man's side and hugged the man's left leg with both of his hands.

When the man saw the boy, he smiled and asked, 

"What is it, Feng Shi?" 

"Dad, you know what I did today?" The boy named Feng Shi asked with excitement. 

"You beat up someone again?" The man asked with a smile

"No, guess again,"

"You definitely stole my money and used all of it, when will you learn" 

"No, I didn't take your money today. I already know that this is a bad thing,"

"Really, thank goodness. Now, I won't need to borrow money again from someone for this month. Tell me what you did, I am getting curious," the man was happy to hear that his money was not stolen again.

"Well, I won a prize at school today! And you know what my teacher said? He said that I would become like my mom someday!!!" Feng Shi was extremely happy when he said this. His face was full of excitement.

When the man heard this, he was not happy at all, as a matter of fact, he was sad. But he didn't show it on the outside, instead, he said, 

"Hahaha, I knew my boy would make me proud one day. But you know what, you should stay away from that teacher, he is a bad person. And also, your mom was a nice person and she always loved you, just remember that."

"I know, you always tell me this, and also tomorrow is the parent-teacher meeting. So, you must come, and I don't want to hear any excuses, understood?" Feng Shi didn't know about his father's thoughts and put his hands on both sides of his waist and ordered.

"Hahaha, ok, ok, I understand, my dear little sir." The man laughed when he heard the boy's words.


The next day, 

"Hey, Feng Shi, where is your father?"

"He shouldn't have the face to come here,"

"Yeah, after all, he was the husband of that woman. How can he face anyone with that shame?"

"But I heard, she was innocent, and it was the others that were to blame,"

"Do you really believe that?"

Feng Shi was crying after hearing all the comments from the parents of other students. Even though he did not understand most of them, some of them he understood were enough to make him cry.

After all, it was not some kind of drama or a movie, where a seven-year-old boy would be able to handle the pressure or stay cold to the accusations. It was a reality. How could a boy handle all of this? As a matter of fact, even adults need a great amount of patience to handle all of this, not the words. What were the words? Even someone's words would not be able to do anything. They can only be used to motivate the ones that want to deny what they don't like, to an ignorant person or the ones that already know about the things that are being told.

But patience was the only thing that could change the view of the others toward you. How could the words change sadness into happiness? Even the ones that do become happy, are the ones that are shown the reality opposite of the one that is the reason for sadness. But there exist different realities to a single thing, so, the view of a person only changes to the other reality. Like a person can see your sadness and the other one sees your happiness. They are different realities. So, if you're patient enough, the other might see your other reality.

However, the realities can change. After all, the change is permanent. But if you know the reality, how could someone be motivated to the opposite of the reality, except if that person is a fool?

So, the reality was that Feng Shi's mother and father were being showered with implications. Even though the words couldn't change the reality, he was still a kid. How could he realize that the words wouldn't change anything? If his mother was what they said her to be, then it was the reality, if she was not, then it was the reality. One was reality, whilst the other was just words. And right now, he was being pressured, a reality. So, even if one of his friends comes out to comfort him, the reality couldn't be changed. The pressure would still exist, that is, unless everyone turned silent. 

But fortunately, one of his teachers was a good person. So, he came forward and said, 

"Be silent, this is a classroom. You are the parents, not the kids. Even your kids are silent. But you guys are acting childishly. This country is very strict with its rules, so, anyone who doesn't follow the rules of the school will be fined."

After hearing this, everyone fell silent.



"Father, why didn't you come to the parent-teacher meeting," Feng Shui asked while crying, standing in front of his dad.

"An important thing came up. Thus, I couldn't come to the meeting. Sorry" The man with the missing right arm said.

"You lied to me! You said that you would come to the meeting, but you didn't. You lier!" Feng Shi shouted loudly at his father

"Waah, waa, You lier, waah, …, you lier"

"I'm sure,…, that you lied … about,…the mother as well, …waah, waah, waa," Feng Shi stuttered while speaking because of crying.

The man didn't say anything, he knew that his son was angry at him, so looked slightly to his side. Not looking at Feng Shui.

When Feng Shi saw this, he became even angrier and said,

"You know, father, what the parents of my friends said? They said that my mom was a wh,"


Before Feng Shi could even complete his sentence, he was slapped by his father on his right cheek.

"Who taught you these words?" Feng Shi's father scolded loudly.

Feng Shi's face had turned to his left because of the force of the slap from his father. He had never been beaten by his father before, this was the first time. He became even angrier and said in a brim of anger

"Father, I hope you lose your left arm as well."


After the collision, Yang Zhai came flying out of the dust because of the impact and rammed heavily into a tree. This time the tree was not broken because it was an iron-wood tree, known for its hardness.

Yang Zhai's back rested against the tree. His arms lay on the ground with the palms of his hands facing the sky. His head tilted downwards a little, his eyes looking at the ground below, a little blurry. His legs were straight. There was blood all over him. 

He looked into the distance and his eyes were lost in some thought. He was dazed for a moment. He suddenly heard a voice and was jolted awake.

"Yang Zhai, Yang Zhai,… are you okay!" 

The one who was calling him was Cho Byeol, who was hiding behind a tree, far away from him.

"Yang Zhai, are you okay?!"

Yang Zhai looked forward and saw that the boar was also heavily injured and was bleeding as well. It was in a state of confusion. It was stumbling.

"Miss, do it!" Bae Ah shouted

Cho Byeol was alerted. She knew that Yang Zhai had put his life in danger for an opportunity. Thus, she couldn't waste this chance and attacked from behind as well.

Cho Byeol's attack also landed, giving it more severe injuries. 

Yang Zhai saw that the two of them got into an intense battle with the Red-Eyed-Black boar. There were all kinds of attacks.

After a while, the boar fell to the ground on its side.

"It seems that it is finally dead," Bae Ah said, panting heavily. She was covered in sweat because of the intense battle.

"Yeah, we finally killed it. Yang Zhai, are you okay?!" Cho Byeol and Bae Ah turned around and ran towards Yang Zhai.

Yang Zhai stood up with difficulty and muttered to himself," why on earth did I suddenly remember the memory of my childhood on earth"

He looked forward and saw that Bae Ah and Cho Byeol were a dozen or so steps away from him and were coming toward him. He saw that the boar suddenly stood up and was closing in on Cho Byeol. Cho Byeol And Bea Ah couldn't sense it because of its ability, the same ability that it had used to sneak attack Cho Byeol before but was saved because of Yang Zhai.

Coincidentally, it was going for Cho Byeol again. The boar was only a small distance away from her. Yang Zhai tried to warn her but couldn't speak, maybe his vocal cords were also injured.

He used all his strength and charged forward, trying to appear behind Cho Byeol, but because he was injured and because of the distance, he couldn't completely appear behind her. So, he pushed Cho Byeol away with his left arm. But exactly at the same time, the boar's mouth reached the place where Cho Byeol was a moment ago and bit Yang Zhai's arm—which had appeared at the same place—a little lower than the shoulder, tearing the whole arm apart and the blood started to gush out.

Cho Byeol's eyes widened—who was pushed aside by Yang Zhai—after seeing this. Whereas, Bae Ah hurriedly attacked the boar and killed it.

"Now I know why I suddenly remembered that memory. Father, now I can feel how you felt that day"

Yang Zhai thought to himself while holding his left shoulder with his right hand, standing with difficulty and his whole body shaking. He began to lose the light in his eyes and everything started to turn dark in sight.

He completely lost consciousness and fell to the ground, dyed in blood.
