Chapter 45:Inheritance

In the morning,

It was foggy outside the village, as it was a mountain. This mountain expanded by thousands of meters in size. It was called Si mountain because of having four types of trees in abundance. With the rising of the sun, this fog would start to disappear.

Two kids, around the age of 14 were walking together in the foggy morning. One was at the front and the other one was following the one at the front. They were walking on the outskirts of the forest because it was too dangerous to go in the forest with their ranks. They were Yang Zhai and Chin Mae.

They kept on walking for half an hour before they reached a tree that seemed quite normal. This tree was average looking. Nothing about it seemed special. So, it was a better place for Chin Mae to hide his inheritance.

"Where is it?" Yang Zhai asked.

"Above the tree. When you climb this tree, you will see that there is a hole in the tree at the top, that is covered by the leaves. In there, I hid the inheritance that I found. You can climb and see." Chin Mae pointed above the tree and said.

"No need. You should climb yourself and pick up everything. After you do that, you can come down and show them to me." Yang Zhai said. He was being cautious. What if Chin Mae had done something with the tree? Would he not put himself in danger?

He knew that Chin Mae had just awakened his aperture, so there was nothing to fear, however, being cautious was not a bad thing.

"Ok," Chin Mae climbed the tree and went to the top. This tree was four meters tall; thus, it was not difficult for him. 

After he came down, he handed him a sack. This sack was only half a foot in size. He threw it to Yang Zhai.

Yang Zhai caught and opened the sack. He saw a few essence stones in the sack with two Kas.

"Do you know what this Ka is used for?" Yang Zhai asked after pulling out a Ka. It looked like an earthworm with red color. 

"I don't know."

Yang Zhai pushed the Ka against his stomach and with a thought from him, it disappeared. It reappeared in his aperture at the bottom of the essence water. 

It was quite dangerous for a cultivator to store an unenslaved Ka in the aperture. But Yang Zhai was not worried. Because he had made the Ka appear around the Aurora. This Aurora was a powerful material. So, the Ka didn't even move from the spot at all after Yang Zhai released a little aura of the Aurora. 

To enslave a Ka, one needed to suppress the mind of the Ka. After the mind was suppressed, the barrier that protected the will of the Ka would not be there anymore, making it easier for a cultivator to send his own will and mix the will with the Ka's will. 

Because the Kas were unintelligent beings and were just like animals that acted on their instincts, it was easier to enslave them after mixing one's own will in their mind. Yang Zhai had already mixed his will with Ka's will.

There were many methods to suppress a Ka's mind, like using the Ka to suppress a Ka's mind, using one's own will to attack the mind of a Ka, scaring it with a powerful aura of an item or Ka and weakening its resolve, damaging it and then controlling it when its mind was weakened, but this would injure the Ka or may even kill it and was considered the worst method of all, or using some kind of technique to control it, using one's essence water to suppress the mind of a Ka, it was also considered the safest and cost-free method, so the kids were usually taught this method, but it was somewhat slow. There were also other methods to suppress a Ka's mind.

After all, how could a kid use his own will to suppress another's will, as their will was quite weak, and how could a kid possess a powerful Ka or a powerful item? Yang Zhai was an exception though, his will was even stronger than all of the village's elders here and the Aurora he had was also an exception. But even his will would take some time to suppress a Ka's mind, so he simply used the Aurora. 

Yang Zhai straightened his arm and a gentle blue glow appeared on his hand, then a hole as wide as one meter in length and two feet in height appeared near Chin Mae.

When Chin Mae saw this, his eyes widened. It was not because of Ka's ability, but because of Yang Zhai's methods. Yang Zhai enslaved a Ka within a few seconds. It was unheard of. Not just that, Yang Zhai even knew the ability of this Ka and how to use it. He even unsealed the seal of the Ka within a few seconds?

It took me two days to unseal the seal of the Ka I took with me a few days ago, but he did it within a few seconds, and he even knew how to use it: these were Chin Mae's thoughts. He knew that Yang Zhai had not yet gone to the Academy, so how did he learn to enslave a Ka? Chin Mae knew how to unseal a seal because of the scripture he found with the inheritance, which also helped him in awakening his aperture.

There was one more thing that shocked and puzzled him even more and that was: how did Yang Zhai awaken his aperture within a day? According to what he had read in the scripture and what the elders told them, a person needed five days at best, even a talented person needed three days. 

Is he a monster? Even a person with a physique requires more time than two days. It even took me three days to awaken my aperture. I had the help of the inheritance too. Could this be the reason for him to not ask me to lead the way yesterday, but today?: Chin Mae was thinking about Yang Zhai's actions. And he had a shocked expression on his face.

When Yang Zhai saw this, he smiled. His plan had succeeded. He did it because he wanted to control Chin Mae. Yang Zhai still had a lot of use for Chin Mae. 

There were three reasons for him to awaken his aperture before coming here: one was because he wanted to be cautious and not appear here without some tricks up his sleeves and the second one was to get ahead of his fellow classmates as it was going to help him in the future events and the third one was to show Chin Mae what he was capable of. This would lead Chin Mae to subconsciously follow Yang Zhai. After all, people subconsciously wanted to be protected in a new environment by someone powerful. Or why would he reveal his trump cards for nothing?

"This Ka is known as the Dug-Worm, it can dig as much as one meter. It can also dig less if the owner wants to." Yang Zhai told Chin Mae about the Ka. But he had hidden one thing, and that was that this Ka had two abilities: one was to dig and the other one was to fill up the hole it dug.

Even though this Ka was a Rank 1, a Ka with two abilities was even rarer than a Rank 5 Ka.

Yang Zhai pulled out the other Ka, it looked like a small brown wooden stick. It was around two inches in length. It was also a living being.

"Do you know about this Ka?"

"Nope," Chin Mae answered.

"This Ka has the ability to turn the owner's hands into hard wooden hands. Even though the hands turn into wooden hands, they still stay flexible. It is also a Rank one Ka, known as Wooden-Fists Ka" Yang Zhai explained and was about to close the sack when he saw something at the bottom. He moved the Essence stones aside and saw a fleshy type Ka that looked like flesh and was only one inch in total.

Yang Zhai was surprised to see this. But his expression remained the same. There were no changes in his expression.

"Do you know about this?" Yang Zhai pulled out the Ka and asked.

"No, what is it used for?" Chin Mae was confused again.

"I don't know." Yang Zhai lied. This Ka was a huge surprise for him. 

He didn't unseal this Ka and placed it back in the bag. As for the other two Kas, he had already enslaved them. He hung the sack around his waist and said, 

"Let's go back," With that, he returned.

Yang Zhai did not ask if there were other Kas or other things. After all, if Chin Mae had managed to awaken his aperture without anyone else's help, then that meant that there was a scripture with the inheritance as well. But he did not need the low-level Scriptures.
