Chapter 62:Are You Threatening Me

Bai Clan had a rule and that was that a family with five cultivators was qualified to be nobles. There were many benefits for a Nobel family. They could also compete for the position of an elder in the clan. Not just that, a noble family would also be given land. They could do anything with this land.

Then, these noble families were able to rule the middle and lower classes. But, these noble families would only be given the land by the clan leader. And they could not compete for more benefits like the sects. It was because a situation like this would only make the clan weak by making them compete against each other.

Every country and everyone always wanted to be on the top no matter what. It could give rise to even the emergence of traitors. Yang Zhai was from the earth: so he knew these things clearly, the history of the earth was filled with traitors. Especially the people who betrayed their own forces just because of their thirst for power. And the Bai Clan also knew that if the nobles began to compete with each other for power, it would weaken the clan and could even give rise to traitors. Therefore, a noble family was always given a fixed amount of land and their income would be the same as the other nobles.

And a family with five cultivators was qualified to become nobles because of the clan benefits. In this way, everyone would try to make their family have five cultivators. And this way, the clan would also be able to lure a family with five cultivators toward the benefits and could prevent them from betraying the Clan. After all, a family with five cultivators was no small force. This could ensure a clan exists even more and could dominate an area for a longer time. These were all the tricks that Yang Zhai also played in his previous life; therefore, he knew everything about the reason for choosing to allow a family with five cultivators to become nobles.

And this was also the reason that his uncle and aunt pretended to care for him because he was important for them to become a noble family. After a family became nobles, one of the five cultivators would be allowed to get more benefits from the clan. And Yang Zhai knew that this cultivator was, no doubt, Lie Yi. As for Hyun Hae, as she had a water physique, she was given more benefits by the clan even without becoming a noble.

But as for Yang Zhai, he remembered from his previous life that the attitude of his uncle and aunt would change toward him after becoming a noble family. In his previous life, they had always taken his Essence stones and his resources from him, making it difficult for Yang Zhai to cultivate.

Uncle Wei kept on speaking about the rules and benefits of becoming a noble family. 

Everyone kept quiet and listened to him.

Uncle Wei was thinking of becoming a noble family. 

After some time, everyone left for their rooms. Yang Zhai also went back to his own room and slept. He had already cultivated enough for today, his body was tired. Thus, he did not cultivate anymore and slept. Yang Zhai was no fool. He understood that taking care of his body was important, and he needed enough sleep. This was reality, not some fantasy novel that he would make himself tired and destroy his body in the name of working hard.

How could a person live without sleeping? This was a joke. Even using a method to make him stay awake would not be able to make up for the sleep. His brain, his eyes, and his entire body required a little rest, or he would go mad.

The next day,

In the morning, the sun had not risen yet, but the day was already coming out. Everything could be seen clearly.

Yang Zhai stopped in front of an inn with the name Moon Bull written on the top of the front wall. He was not nervous. He was calm and collected. Why would a person with his experience be nervous of a mere elder? Therefore, he entered the inn with calm footsteps.

Yang Zhai looked around after entering the inn. There were not many people in the inn. Only three to four tables were full, and the other tables were empty. His glance fell on a man sitting alone at a table.

This man had short gray hair. The shape of his chin was a little square. He was wearing a tight white robe. His height was around 6 feet (1.83 m). Yang Zhai recognized the man. He was Ci An's father and his name was Cu Gil, the man that Yang Zhai came to meet with.

Yang Zhai walked up to the man and sat at the table as well. 

When Yang Zhai sat, the man looked toward Yang Zhai and said after a while, 

"I assume you're Yang Zhai?" Cu Gil said.

"Yes, elder Cu. I am Yang Zhai, the one who was supposed to meet you today." Yang Zhai replied politely. He was polite when talking to the elder. After all, he was weak and could not go around making everyone angry, hoping that he would be fine after doing this.

Elder Cu didn't say anything and only looked at the boy, who was so brave as to even ask for something from him.

"I hope Ci An has already told you everything about me. I am her class leader and also the one who needs the Blue Gem." Yang Zhai was not scared and got straight to the point.

"I see," Cu Gil was not angry after hearing Yang Zhai. He had become an elder of the clan and had managed to reach this level with not just a fluke. His bearing, of course, was more than normal peoples'.

"Why do you need it?"

"Of course, you know the reason, elder."

"And what can you give me in return,"

"Nothing, I don't have anything."

"I see, so you want it for free."

"Yes, elder,"

"What makes you think that I will give you the blue gem?" Elder Cu asked.

"Simple, because I need it."

"And what if I don't agree?" Elder Cu questioned.

"You definitely don't want to do that." Yang Zhai stopped and looked at Cu Gil's face before smiling and saying.

"Why would I not do that?"

"Do you know that the Clan Leader's wife is a nice lady? I truly think that I would want to meet her as well." Yang Zhai said implicitly.

However, when elder Cu heard this, his expression changed slightly. He was no fool, he knew what Yang Zhai meant. However, he still asked, 

"What do you mean?"

"Don't be too shy, Elder Cu. You know exactly what I mean. Why do you want me to speak?"

"I don't understand what you are trying to say." Elder Cu still pretended to be ignorant.

"I know a man who had an affair with the Clan leader's wife. Not just that, I also know that the clan leader's so-called daughter is actually that man's daughter. Do you want to know more than that?" Yang Zhai said casually as if he was telling a story.

But, Cu Gil's expression changed even more after hearing this. He knew that Yang Zhai was talking about him.

This affair was revealed(disclosed) by the clan leader himself in Yang Zhai's previous life. One day, Cu Gil was discovered by the Clan leader's aide having an affair with the Clan leader's wife. The aide told the Clan leader. After some investigation by the Clan leader, everything the aide said turned out to be true.

Out of heartbreak, the Clan leader announced the public execution of Cu Gil and his wife. And during the execution, the aide of the Clan Leader told everyone about the Clan Leader's wife and Cu Gil's affair. This was the reason Yang Zhai knew about this affair.

"Do you think that the clan leader would believe you, and do you think that you will be able to leave the inn alive after I know that you know everything about my affair with the Clan leader's wife?" Cu Gil's eyes narrowed as he said seriously.

"Huh, about that. I have already told someone else everything about this. If something happens to me, that person would spread the news in the clan. And you know what will happen after this news is spread in the village. It will be a matter of time before you get exposed." Yang Zhai smiled and replied.

Elder Cu's eyes widened after hearing Yang Zhai. He could not believe this kid. To him, this kid was becoming more and more annoying. No wonder Ci An always gets angry because of Yang Zhai.

"Are you threatening me?"  

"No, I am just telling you to be careful or someone might spread the news. So, you see, I am only thinking about you. And besides, I have to make sure that this news doesn't get buried with me."

Cu Gil:"..." 

Cu Gil could really not believe this kid.
