Chapter 65:Blinding Powder

Blinding Power was a vicious material of this world. Its Ranks extended from Rank 1 to Rank 3. And the blinding powder, these men used on Yang Zhai was a Rank 1 material. This powder could blind anyone from Rank 1 to rank 3. As this powder was of Rank 1 and Yang Zhai's body was stronger than others and was powerful, the effect was decreased on him. Otherwise, he would have been blinded right away.

His sight had been blurred. But after he used the water technique, he was able to see the blurred figures moving.

But Yang Zhai moved his hands here and there, like a blind person. 

"What…, what happened to my eyes? Why can't I see anything?" Then Yang Zhai began to punch randomly. 

"Nothing, we just gave you a little surprise. You little scoundr*l. You are more clever than the others we encountered until today. Only two out of four are standing because of your tricks. Anyway, do you have any last wishes?" The man with the spear began to walk toward Yang Zhai. The Man's expression turned sinister. His anger was evident in his tone.

"Huh…, can you at least tell me about the one who gave you our… information? I want to know about the one… who is the reason for my death today." Yang Zhai said with a dejected tone. He said everything slowly to express his regret. It seemed that he had finally accepted his fate.

"What will you do with that? You are going to die anyway. It's not like you can take revenge on him anyway. Whatever, if this is your last wish, I will grant it happily. Do you know the librarian of your academy? He is the one, hahaha," the man started to laugh after speaking to Yang Zhai. He was enjoying the regret in Yang Zhai's voice. 

Yang Zhai remembered the man. He had already met the man when he went to the study hall. It was the same librarian who was appointed by the Academy to take care of the Study hall. And the study hall contained all of the information about the newly admitted kids. Therefore, it was extremely easy for the librarian to obtain information about the kids.

No wonder, nobody discovered it until now. It was because the information was provided by the one who stored it, to these people.

The man walked slowly toward Yang Zhai, without making any sounds of his footsteps. He was being careful of Yang Zhai. He already knew that Yang Zhai was not weak: if even a single of Yang Zhai's attacks landed on him, he would be done for. 

The man was already close to Yang Zhai, so much so that his spear could reach Yang Zhai now. He moved his spear backward and was about to attack.

But Yang Zhai used the Dug-Worm Ka and made a pit on the ground the man was standing at. The man lost his balance because of this sudden change. 

Yang Zhai took advantage and used a Rank 1 Ice technique to summon an icicle in his hand. Then he threw the icicle at the man like a spear. The icicle disappeared after piercing the man's head.

Yang Zhai's aim did not miss. Even though everything was blurry in front of him, he could still make a picture —in his mind— of the men. Then he was able to see blurry figures moving as well. And the man's balance was also unstable because of the pit that had suddenly appeared. The ice spear pierced the man's head.

Yang Zhai was just feigning being blind in front of the two men to make them believe that he couldn't see anymore and had gotten blind. 

This caused the man with a spear to let his guard down.

He had killed one out of the four at the start. Disabled the second one with the deadly poison and killed the third one with a spear icicle. Only one of the four was left standing. This man had a club in his hand. And this man was trembling after seeing the situation. He could not believe the situation he was seeing right now. 

A single kid defeated them, and not just that, the man also felt during the battle that this kid's moves were profound and perfected. He grasped every mistake they made during the battle. That was not all, this kid also acted on his decisions without any hesitation. He used the mistakes made by them fully to his advantage during the battle, as if his body was adapting to the situation by itself without him needing to think.

After all, even if a person could find the mistakes made during the battle by others, they would not be able to react in a second to take advantage of the opportunities, except if a person was adapted to battles and his experience was profound. Thus, his body could react by itself to every situation.

This was the most terrifying thing for someone to gain. After all, a battle between two people with the same strength was decided by their experiences. 

And this man could feel that even if Yang Zhai had not played tricks on them, he would have been difficult for them to handle. But, this kid still chose to take the safe option, this was frightening. He let down his pride in the battle to make sure that he won. This kind of flexibility by a kid was unsettling. Forget about a kid, even many mature adults could not be this decisive. Even if they were, they would at least hesitate a little.

"Is he really a Rank 1 cultivator? His body is far stronger than a mortal body. I should probably run."The man with a club in his hand muttered. He had just turned around when a pit appeared under his feet and he fell down. And when he was about to stand up, he was pushed to the ground again by someone's foot. 

"Give me the remedy to negate the blinding powder effects." Yang Zhai asked.

"I… I don't have it. We only obtained this blinding powder from the manager. I swear that… I don't have it." The man was scared. He didn't hesitate to tell everything that Yang Zhai asked him. He knew that Yang Zhai would not hesitate to kill him for even a slight mistake. Subconsciously, the man's mind was following Yang Zhai without any thoughts. 

"Tell me, or I will cut you into pieces alive from the non-vital parts to give you more pain." Yang Zhai's expression was serious.

"I promise I don't have any remedy. You can check my body. Please, spare me." When the man heard Yang Zhai, his entire body shook. He knew that Yang Zhai was not a normal kid, who would be scared of blood or killing, so, what was cutting a person into pieces for him?

Yang Zhai could feel the fear in the man's tone, he could tell that the man was not lying. A man at the end of a rope would do everything to save himself, even if the hope was the slightest. Forget about the slightest, even if there was no hope, a person would still try to protect himself. It was similar to when a person falls from a height and there is nothing to grab in the air —meaning hope— even then that person moves his arms and legs, even though he knows that moving their arms and legs would do nothing.

This man was the same. Even though he knew that he was going to die, he still hoped to be spared. That's why he told Yang Zhai everything truthfully. 

But, Yang Zhai still checked the man's whole body but did not find anything. Thus, Yang Zhai pulled his knife out and killed the man. Not just that, he even killed the one who was poisoned.

Then Yang Zhai checked all of their bodies and found nothing.

It was worth noticing that Yang Zhai's hands had black and purple marks on them, because of using too dangerous techniques. Like the deadly poison, he used earlier was too heavy. Then he also used other techniques as well.

After checking the bodies, he left. He knew that staying here was dangerous. Because many beasts would be attracted by the smell of the blood. If he stayed here, he would be only putting himself in danger. 

Yang Zhai ran toward a pond he remembered from his previous life. After he got to the pond, he began to remove his clothes. Then he jumped in the pond with his clothes. He did this because of the blood on his body. He did not want anyone to see the blood on him. He wanted to avoid unnecessary trouble.

Yang Zhai was not able to see clearly. Therefore, he did not recognize the blood on the clothes. He could only see blurred red marks on his robe. As a result, he began to wash all of the red marks he could see on the clothes with his own hands. 

After washing his robe carefully, he came out of the pond. He hung his robe on a tree branch and came back into the water. Only his face was out of the water and the whole of his body —below his head— was covered in the pond.

He began to move his essence water throughout his body to remove the adverse effects, which were left on him because of using the techniques too much and they were also powerful techniques.
