Chapter 74:An Unknown Path

Yang Zhai looked at his Essence water in his aperture. His essence water was decreasing and was being refilled. It was because Yang Zhai was using his aperture to absorb the Essence water. And then was absorbing the spiritual energy from the essence stones to convert it into the essence water.

Tonight, Yang Zhai was going to break through to Rank 1 third stage. His breakthrough this time took him eight days. It took him eight days to break through into the third stage because of not being able to cultivate enough, even after using the Strength Ka. In his opinion, this was a waste. If he had been able to cultivate to his heart's content, he knew that he would have already broken through to the third stage. He could only cultivate at night. Then he also had to sleep properly. Thus, he also could not cultivate all night.

But, there was no choice. He had to deal with the other matters as well. He was no fool to focus only on his cultivation. Even though cultivation was the most important thing to an individual, it was not all there was to this world. Such as, if he had focused on his cultivation and had left his position as a leader, then he would be ordered around by others. It would consume more of his time.

Then, he would not be able to order the kids around for his benefit. Like, he used two kids to refine the Strength Ka and because of the Strength Ka, he was able to cultivate quickly. After that, he took his time to deal with the librarian and the Moon Bull inn's manager. It benefitted him greatly; such as, he could get the information he needed from the librarian and the Essence stones from the manager.

Yang Zhai was constantly using the Essence stones to refill his aperture. His aperture started to slowly vibrate. A white glow began to appear in his aperture. This white glow slowly turned into a white light that began to permeate his whole aperture.

After that, his aperture shook. Then, it became calm after a few seconds. All the shaking stopped, and the white light also disappeared. Essence water in his aperture also calmed down.

Another dark red line had appeared in his aperture. Now, there were a total of three dark red lines in his aperture, indicating that he was a Rank 1 Third Stage cultivator now.

Yang Zhai examined his body. There were no changes. His body and the aperture were the same, except that the strength of his aperture and the Essence Water had increased.

"Sigh, the Aurora also did not benefit me this time. Anyway, at least, I advanced. It will be helpful in tomorrow's competition. After all, I am losing my sight slowly. It is even becoming difficult for me to read other peoples' expressions. The blurriness is increasing. At this rate, I will be left with blind eyes. I need to quickly reach the peak stage before I get completely blind."

"I need to reach the peak, I am curious to see if my guess is right or not. I wonder if what I discovered in my previous life is true. This world is truly mysterious. A world, where beasts run rampant. But in reality, it is the humans who run rampant." Yang Zhai was lost in his thoughts. He wanted to reach the peak stage to see if what he discovered in his previous life was true.

Yang Zhai looked at the Blue Gem that was placed beside him. Yang Zhai picked up the Blue Gem in his hand.

A person's aperture was only able to store Kas and nothing else. Of course, his Aurora was an exception. This Aurora could be considered his body part, as it was connected with his soul. Not just that, this Aurora also perfectly blended with his aperture. This Aurora was mysterious to even Yang Zhai. Its power was still unknown to him. The pureness of this power (Aurora) was still obscure to him.

Yang Zhai had made himself forget some things whilst he reincarnated. Such as, he could remember that he had forgotten a path, information about some Kas that were related to the path that he forgot, some treasures that were related to the same path, and the techniques related to that path as well. Almost everything that was related exclusively to a certain path was forgotten by him.

But he remembered one thing, and that was that he had made himself forget about that path because he wanted nobody to know about that path.

"I wonder if this Aurora is also related to that path. Or, could it be…" Yang Zhai muttered to himself.

Yang Zhai looked at the Aurora in his aperture again. He suddenly had a thought: Could it be that this Aurora is the key to that path or to unlocking my memory?

"If it is true, then this Aurora is far more important than I thought. If I made myself forget about that unknown path, then this path is definitely far more important and valuable, that I didn't even want to remember that path, fearing that someone might find out about this path."

"Thank goodness, I was careful and did not use Aurora's aura in any fight. I need to hide it as much as possible until I become stronger." Yang Zhai thought to himself.

If his guess was right, then he had to be more careful in the future.

After all, Yang Zhai had gone to the extent of making himself forget about the path to hide it from the others. And a cautious person like him doing something like this was no small matter.

A person's aperture could only store the Kas. It was because they were so pure that even an evil Ka had pure power. And then, they possessed the natural laws of the world. And for some unknown reason, a Ka was attracted to a person's Essence water, so even the Kas did not reject the Essence water.

However, there were always exceptions in the world. There were a few things that could also be stored in the aperture. And the Blue Gem was one of these exceptions. It did not belong to any path.

A Blue Gem could be stored in a person's aperture.

Yang Zhai placed the Blue Gem near his abdomen. The Blue Gem disappeared after it was brought close to his aperture and appeared in his aperture. This Blue Gem was floating precisely in the middle of his aperture.

After a while, all of the Essence water in Yang Zhai's aperture started to move slightly. Then the Essence water began to float toward the Blue Gem slowly.

The Essence Water then began to enter the Blue Gem. The Blue Gem was absorbing all of Yang Zhai's Essence water like a black hole.

The Essence water entered the Blue Gem from one side and was coming out from the other side. When the Essence water came out of the Blue Gem, its aura had already been changed to Rank 1 mid-stage. However, its strength was still at the Rank 1 third stage. But from the aura, Yang Zhai's Essence water did not seem like it was the third stage at all.

In fact, even when Yang Zhai uses his Essence water, its aura would still be at the mid-stage.

This was why Yang Zhai wanted the Blue Gem. Now, when he reaches the peak stage, he would be able to hide his cultivation from the outside world.

It would benefit him greatly. He could cultivate freely to his heart's content. Nobody would suspect him now.

Now, he only needed to reach the peak stage.
