Chapter 78:Silencing

Yang Zhai went closer to the Black Rabbit's corpse. He picked Black Rabbit up and removed the emblem. It easily came off. As Elder Wang had said that this emblem would only come off when the Black Rabbit dies. 

He then threw the corpse of the Black Rabbit away and said, 

"Let's go," he turned around and was about to go when he heard the boy.

"Brother Chin, the technique you used now was at Rank 1 mid-stage, right?" The boy looked at Chin Mae and queried with a serious expression.

"What are you talking about?" Chin Mae acted as if he did not understand the boy.

"What do I mean? You know what I mean. You have already reached Rank 1 mid-stage. But you are pretending as if you don't know." The boy said with a serious expression.

"So what if I did? What does it have to do with you? Brother Yang already reached the mid-stage, so why can't I?" Chin Mae said irritatingly.

"So what, huh? I remember the first day clearly. You were not supposed to reach the mid-stage before everyone in our class did. But, you became a Rank 1 mid-stage. Not just that, you also tried to hide it from everyone. Forget about us, you did not even inform the elders." The boy refuted, and his voice was also growing.

"What does it have to do with you? I did not inform anyone because I did not have the time to. I was going to explain it after the competition ended." Fear grew in Chin Mae's heart after he heard what the boy said. Chin Mae said what came to his mouth in anxiousness.

"Oh, so you were going to tell the elder after this competition ends. Let me tell you, you are not going to get out of this mess now. And not just that, because of you, brother Yang will also have to answer now. What will you do about that? Brother Yang helped you, but you? You also created a problem for him. How will you solve this?" The boy said to Chin Mae in a loud voice.

Let's see now, how you get out of this mess, Yang Zhai. You ordered us around like we are your slaves. I am confident, you will be punished heavily. I will consider this as my revenge. So, what if both of you managed to reach mid-stage before me? Your lives will be ruined anyway, ehehehe: Even though the boy was favoring Yang Zhai outwardly, he was happy inwardly. 

He could not wait to see Yang Zhai getting punished. According to him, this could be considered his revenge.  However, he also knew deep down that one of the reasons for his happiness was because of his jealousy. 

It was just like when a boy becomes sad when his friend gets more numbers in exams than him. If he fails, he becomes upset and sad, but when he sees that his friend also failed, he becomes a little happy and relieved. (Nobody but the author: On Earth. There are no math exams in this world. 
Author: "..." Impressed by himself.)

And this was one of the reasons why the boy was happy to think of Yang Zhai and Chin Mae being punished.

"Do you…" the boy was about to say something again when he suddenly became quiet. There was no more noise.

A long knife had pierced the boy's head from the back of his head and appeared out of his mouth. Blood began to appear from the back of his head and flowed down along his body. Blood also flowed out of the boy's mouth.

The front part of the blade was bloody. Drops of blood were falling down from it. 

Behind the boy was standing Yang Zhai. 

The knife's hilt was in Yang Zhai's left hand. His face was not looking at the boy. Instead, he was standing sideways, and he had pierced the knife toward his left side. 

Because his strength was strong, he didn't encounter trouble with piercing the head of the boy. And he had pierced his mouth to prevent him from screaming. He did not cut the head to prevent evidence from being created. Of course, he was thinking of burning the body, but what if the clan cultivators manage to salvage the body of the boy? Then, how would he answer about how the boy's head got severed?

He would not act without thinking. Thus, he planned before acting. And therefore, even his sneak attacks were planned, except for the situation where he had no choice but to attack hurriedly and when he was in a battle.

"Ahh…, ah…," on the other hand, Chin Mae got scared and fell to the ground on his rear. His eyes were widened. And sweat could be seen on his face. He wanted to scream, but could not because of the fear. It could be seen how scared he was.

It was to be expected. After all, it was for the first time that someone was killed in front of him. And in front of his own eyes. Especially, when he was standing so close and right in front of the boy. So, how could he not be scared?

He was not like Yang Zhai, who was used to these things. However, Yang Zhai had not felt the feeling that Chin Mae was feeling right now. When he killed someone for the first time. Because the pain of losing his loved one was so much that this feeling did not even occur to him. Even if the feeling did occur to him, the pain was so much that he could not even care about the feeling. 

And he was broken so much that he even forgot the one he was broken for. Right now, to him, nothing was more important than his freedom. And for that, he did not care for anyone anymore. To him, even love was a prison. Forget about the love, he even considered himself a prison to himself.

Yang Zhai looked at the scared Chin Mae. Yang Zhai slowly began to walk toward Chin Mae.

"Don't… don't come near… m…me." When Chin Mae saw Yang Zhai walking toward him, he got even more scared and said with a stuttering voice. He was creeping backward, unconsciously.

"Don't worry. I won't do anything to you. Anyway, he discovered that you had reached mid-stage and this was dangerous for us." Yang Zhai kept on walking forward.

"But…but, you killed him. We could have done something else. He was our clansman." Chin Mae relaxed a little after hearing Yang Zhai. But, he still said to Yang Zhai.

"So, do you want us to be punished, instead of him getting killed? And tell me, why did you not tell me that you had reached the Rank 1 mid-stage? If you had told me about this, I might have done something to help you." Yang Zhai went to Chin Mae's side and moved his right hand forward to help him stand up.

"But killing him was not the solution. We could have just tied him up. And I did not have the time to tell you about my advancement. I wanted to tell you, but I forgot." Chin Mae grabbed Yang Zhai's right hand and stood up.

"Anyway, let's just deal with this corpse and go back to Elder Wang." Yang Zhai looked at the boy's corpse and said.

"Ok, but what?" Chin Mae was covered in sweat. His expression clearly showed how anxious he was.

"You try to drag that corpse into the bushes, whilst I will look if someone saw us." Yang Zhai said.

"Shouldn't we just run away from here and leave it here? Nobody would know anything. Why do we need to drag it and leave traces behind?" Chin Mae was nervous about being seen by someone whilst dragging the corpse.

"He is our teammate, if he is found dead, who do you think will be blamed? It will be us. How will you answer then? Don't you even understand that?" Yang Zhai said with a serious expression.

"Ok, I will drag it to the bushes," Chin Mae said and walked toward the corpse. He grabbed the corpse's legs and was about to drag it when he felt a tickling in his head and then a pain came.

After a while, he looked at Yang Zhai with shocked eyes. Then he fell to the ground. He died, whilst his eyes were opened and shocked. The shocked expression was still etched on his face even after he died.

It was the same with Chin Mae. He was killed the same way that Yang Zhai had killed the boy. A knife pierced the backside of his head and appeared from the mouth. 

Yang Zhai had talked with Chin Mae so much because he wanted to make sure that Chin Mae would not scream and alert the clan's cultivators.

As elder Wang had said that there would be clan Cultivators around the outskirts of the forest:therefore, if someone needed help, they could just shout and someone would come to their help. Thus, if Yang Zhai had attacked Chin Mae, then there was a chance that Chin Mae might have been able to defend himself against Yang Zhai's first attack, giving Chin Mae the time to scream. After all, Yang Zhai's body had accumulated quite a toll on it today because of using dangerous techniques.

Therefore, Yang Zhai did not take the chance and pretended in front of Chin Mae.

And the result was that he successfully managed to kill Chin Mae as well.

Who was Yang Zhai? Would he let someone go that might become a problem for him later on? 
