Rank 1 Perfect Stage(Part1)

There were three ways to absorb the spiritual energy from the outside world. One way was through the aperture, in this way, the black vortex would appear around the abdomen, opening a gate and connecting the aperture with the outside world. The second way was to absorb the spiritual energy with the help of the sun that appears in a cultivator's aperture at Rank 2.

The third way to absorb spiritual energy was with the help of the body. When a person awakens their aperture for the first time by absorbing the spiritual energy from the outside world, a black vortex appears around the abdomen, and then a person can throw their Essence stones in it to awaken their aperture. However, when a cultivator absorbs the Essence water with the help of their body, then the back vortex appears on the chest and would not appear around the abdomen because that place was already occupied by the aperture's gate.

And right now, Yang Zhai used his aperture to absorb the spiritual energy from the outside world. A black vortex appeared around his abdomen. It was completely dark and nothing could be seen inside, like a black hole.

Yang Zhai then looked at Ha Kun, he was burned all over and was panting from the pain. He lay on the ground, trembling and shaking, and was weak to do anything. If he moved even slightly, his body would start hurting all over.

Yang Zhai had burned Ha Kun to make him extremely weak to do anything. First of all, he wanted to make sure that Ha Kun would not be able to take advantage of his vulnerable moment when his black vortex was opened. 

And secondly, Yang Zhai wanted to make him weak to render him helpless to resist or to reduce the amount of resistance that Ha Kun could put up during the process of absorbing his cultivation.

Yang Zhai then took out a knife from the Bloody Storage Ka. He grabbed Ha Kun's hand and made a cut on it. He then placed his hand below Ha Kun's hand to collect some of Ha Kun's blood.

Ha Kun screamed when Yang Zhai grabbed his hand, because of the pain, and his screams increased after Yang Zhai wounded his hand to collect some blood. Ha Kun tried to free his hand from Yang Zhai's grasp, but could not do it.

After Yang Zhai collected some blood, he released Ha Kun's hand. After that, Yang Zhai moved his own hand in front of the black vortex. When he did that, the vortex absorbed Ha Kun's blood that was on Yang Zhai's hand.

The blood went into the black vortex and disappeared.

Then, Yang Zhai removed Ha Kun's clothes from his abdomen and slashed it with the knife.

"Ahaaaaaa…Ahah…aahhhhh!" Ha Kun shrieked from the pain. He quivered and his body shuddered. His body was restless and continuously convulsed¹. However, he was grabbed firmly by Yang Zhai and stayed where he was.

Then he took out a spirit stone and soaked it with the blood of Ha Kun. He then placed the spirit stone in the black vortex.

Spirit stones were different from Essence stones. Even though the Essence stones contained spiritual energy, they were not called spirit stones. Spirit stones as the name suggested were spirit recognizers.

Spirit stones were transparent and had different shapes and were like glass stones. When a spirit stone is thrown into the water, then a person would not be able to see it as it completely becomes invisible because of being transparent.

Spirit stones were used for spirits.

When Yang Zhai soaked the spirit stone with Ha Kun's blood, it completely recognized Ha Kun's soul, cultivation, blood, and cultivation DNA. However, it only managed to recognize all these because Ha Kun's mental strength and body were weak right now. When a spirit stone connects with a person, it also connects with the mind and will, for it to recognize a person's soul and spirit. Right now, if Ha Kun was not in extreme pain, he would have surely sensed it and would have rejected the spirit stone. And if he had done that, the spirit stone would have broken; however, it did not break, indicating that the spirit stone had successfully connected with Ha Kun.

Inside the black vortex,

After Yang Zhai threw the spirit stone into the black vortex, it began to connect with Ha Kun's blood that Yang Zhai had thrown before. The blood that Yang Zhai had thrown in before had already been modified and connected with Yang Zhai's cultivation. 

Outside the black vortex, in the cave,

A black vortex began to appear from the cut on Ha Kun's abdomen. The cut slowly disappeared and a black vortex appeared.

Ha Kun wanted to close the black vortex, but couldn't do it because of the pain. His resistance had also been reduced greatly.

Yang Zhai had already made him helpless to do anything.

This method was called a demonic method for a reason.

Then, different colors of glowing wisps began to emerge from Ha Kun's black vortex. They floated toward Yang Zhai. It was because Yang Zhai's black vortex was attracting and trying to absorb Ha Kun's cultivation.

However, Yang Zhai hurriedly summoned the Blue Gem in front of himself and placed it in his vortex. 

Blue Gem was one of the most mysterious things in this world. It was by some people called the king of spiritual energy. It belonged to no path and was something that even amazed Yang Zhai sometimes. Right now, most of the world didn't truly know its true value. Even Yang Zhai only knew of some of its uses and nothing else about it. He didn't know anything about its origins or how it was created.

The different colored wisps entered the Blue Gem from one side and exited from the other side. When the wisps entered the Blue Gem, they contained a lot of impurities; however, when they came out of the Blue Gem, they were already purified into the purest of cultivation. 

Then these wisps began to enter Yang Zhai's aperture. 

When these wisps entered the aperture, the Essence water in the aperture became restless. Massive waves started to appear. His Essence Water was like a sea. These waves absorbed and enveloped the wisps that appeared in the aperture. Then Yang Zhai's aperture began to absorb the Essence Water. The Essence Water was plummeting quickly. 

Yang Zhai took out the Essence Stones from the Bloody Storage Ka and began to absorb the spiritual energy from them. He was multitasking right now, he modified Ha Kun's cultivation with the help of the Blue Gem, absorbed the spiritual energy from the essence stones, controlled his essence water to envelop and absorb the wisps, and controlled his aperture to absorb the essence water. He did four tasks at the same time, which was extremely difficult for even the immortals to do, it required a lot of experience and highly nurtured intellect. Not only that, but he also kept an eye on Ha Kun to make sure that he would not do something that could harm Yang Zhai.

On the other hand, Ha Kun was in a lot of pain because his cultivation was forcefully extracted by Yang Zhai. To a cultivator, their cultivation was more important than their life, it was a part of their body. So if a person's body part was removed, they would definitely be in a lot of pain. And when cultivation was extracted from a cultivator, it would be painful.

"Ple…ase… sto…p it…" Ha Kun's eyes opened wide and were completely red. Tears were coming out of them continuously. His body convulsed and shook continuously.

Even an adult person would shiver if they see Ha Kun in this condition, except if they were also used to this. And if someone was used to these things, then he would be against good things; however, Yang Zhai was tranquil to good or bad.

Yang Zhai was calm and focused on what he was doing. It could be said that an insanity existed in his calmness. Insanity was the end point of intellect.

Emotions were the true jewels of a living being; however, Yang Zhai's rationality had brought him to the point of being indifferent. It was not that he enjoyed seeing Ha Kun in this situation, but it was extremely opposite: he was indifferent. He did not feel anything. It was not that he was emotionless, but he was sane.

A person had to be intellectual to the point of insanity to ignore anything, cruelty, love, hatred, good, bad, and everything else. 


1-Convulsion: a sudden, violent, irregular movement of the body.