Yu Ene And Yu Ane

Two days passed,

Three men stood beside the main door of the village looking outside. They looked like they were waiting for someone. Beside them stood four kids. They were Yang Zhai, Hyun Hae, and two more.

One of the three men was the second elder of the clan, his name was Bai Shu Ti. He had a small white beard and short white hair. His eyes were closed, and his hands were behind his back. He had a few wrinkles on his face; however, even after that, he stood straight, and his body was also healthy and full of vitality. Beside him stood the two academy principals of the clan.

There were two academies in the Bai clan with each having a principal to manage the academy. 

Both of the Academy principals looked the same with the same build and everything, it looked like both of them were twins. They had long black hair and blue-colored irises¹. Their faces were like jade, free of any kind of wrinkles or withering signs. Their skin color was white. One of the two was wearing a blue attire with one line on the chest of the attire, indicating that he was the academy leader of Si Academy. The other one was wearing a beautiful red attire with one line on the chest of the attire, showing that he was the academy leader of the Bai academy. Both of them looked breathtakingly handsome. Their demeanor was serious and impeccable. Both of them looked like immortals from myths. It looked like every word they spoke would be impressive and effective.

Si academy was named after the Si mountain, on which the Bai clan was located, it was the one where Yang Zhai was studying. The other one was named after the Bai clan. Hyun Hae and Lie Yi studied at this academy. The name of the Si academy's principal was Bai Yu Ene and the Bai academy's principal was Bai Yu Ane. Even their names matched. It was obvious they were blood-related.

And the four disciples beside these elders were the class leader of their academies.

Yang Zhai was the class leader of the new disciples of Si academy. The boy beside him was the class leader of the seniors of Si academy, Feng Qi. 

On the other hand, Hyun Hae was the class leader of the new disciples of Bai academy, and the boy beside her was the class leader of the seniors of Bai academy, Qian Fa.

They were all here to welcome the guests from the Ma clan.

"Elder Shu, when do you think the Ma clan guests will arrive?" Yu Ane asked.

"They were supposed to be here by now. I think they will arrive any minute now." Elder Shu answered.

"Elder Shu, be honest, are you sure about not bringing your son here?" Yu Ene said to elder Shu.

When Yu Ane heard this, he smiled.

"No need, we have four talented disciples here. And all four of them are impressive." Elder Shu replied. His eyes were still closed, and his face was calm.

Even though Elder Ane and Elder Ene were academy leaders, they still had to listen to Elder Shu's orders.

"Sigh, no, no, second elder Shu, you are over exaggerating, both of my disciples are worthless, useless, pointless, and insignificant." Elder Ene said while shaking his head and hands. He heaved a long sigh as if he was telling a bitter reality.

Yang Zhai:"..."

Shu Ti:"..."

Feng Qi:"..." 

"What the f**k!" Feng Qi's eyes twitched. He was rendered speechless.

"Academy leader, when did I become useless? I am your personal disciple and still. You said that I would someday even surpass you. At least, don't say this in front of the second elder." Feng Qi shouted at elder Yu Ene. He could not believe that, in just a few seconds, he was turned into useless by someone.

"Oh, when did I say that? You are just making things up. See elder, he is making things up, didn't I say he is useless." Elder Ene shook his head again and answered.

Feng Qi:"..." 

His eyes twitched again. He really wanted to punch Elder Ene's head to make him remember.

"Brother Yang, when did you become useless?" Hyun Hae said seriously and looked at Yang Zhai.

"I don't know." Yang Zhai shook his hands and replied.

"Ene, don't tease your disciples. We are elders, so we should act maturely." Elder Ane scolded elder Ene.

Shu Ti nodded seriously, agreeing with elder Ane, and thought: he has grown.

"Ok, I agree that your disciples are useless, pieces of sh*t, worthless, pointless and insignificant, but you should not say it out loudly in front of the others. Look at me, did I even once say that my disciples are useless, pieces of sh*t, worthless, pointless, and insignificant, even though it's clearly visible from these pieces of shit faces. Look at them, look clearly, can you even look at them, their faces are like they have been rejected by their own parents." Elder Ane said with a serious expression.

Elder Shu Ti:"..."

Yang Zhai:"..."

Feng Qi:"..."

Hyun Hae:"..."

Qian Fa:"..."

Everyone was rendered speechless.

Feng Qi's mouth opened wide.

Elder Shu Ti thought: Mature, my foot!

Who could have thought that such serious-looking demeanor elders were like this? Indeed, their every word was effective. Both of them made everyone speechless.

"Ane, you're right, let's tie them up and throw them out of the village or maybe in front of the beasts. Even their parents disowned them, so why should we keep them?" Elder Ene replied with a serious expression.

"Yes, they can't even beat me, so how come they have talent? They should at least be able to defeat elder Shu." Elder Ane nodded and agreed with elder Ene. 

They did not even spare elder Shu. They both created everything on their own and continued their conversation, such as they made their parents disown all four of the disciples present.

"When were we disowned? And why are we being punished all of a sudden? Weren't we here to welcome the guests?" Feng Qi asked Yang Zhai with a confused expression. He could not believe elder Ane and elder Ene, how could they be this shameless?

"You two, have you decided who will be representing the disciples?" Elder Shu disturbed Yu Ene and Yu Ane. If he didn't do that, both Elder Ane and Elder Ene might even start deciding his punishment.

"Elder Shu, Ane, and I decided that we would represent the disciples ourselves, instead of letting these rejected people represent the disciples." Elder Ene pointed at Ane and himself before saying.

"Whattt! Cough…cough…. Don't joke around and tell me seriously," Second elder Shu shouted loudly after hearing Yu Ene; however, out of embarrassment, he coughed.

"We are serious," Elder Ane said.

"How can the two of you represent the disciples? You two are elders! Don't joke around and tell." Elder Shu smiled and asked again.

"We are seriou…" elder Ane was about to say the same thing when he heard elder Shu

"You idiots! Tell me the name of the disciple, not yours." Elder Shu shouted loudly at Yu Ane and Yu Ene. He was annoyed by both Ane and Ene to no end.

"Ok, ok, we were joking. The disciple we chose for representation is Yang Zhai." Elder Ane scratched his right cheek and said.

"That's good, you understand. Now, tell me about Yang Zhai and why you chose him." Elder Shu smiled and queried.


1-Irises: The colored tissue at the front of the eye that contains the pupil in the center. The iris helps control the size of the pupil to let more or less light into the eye. 

Fact: Not two irises are alike, including the irises of identical twins and even the two irises of the same person. This uniqueness of the human iris is used in iris scans. The variety of the iris is caused by its complex structure and coloring pattern, just like fingerprints.