Yang Zhai Vs Yen Hu(Part1)

"Remember, Yang Zhai, I want you to win this fight. You know why I chose you, it is because I heard that this personal disciple of Jun Nie doesn't hesitate to use any tricks possible to win." Elder Ene instructed Yang Zhai. He said with an amiable expression.

Yang Zhai nodded and said, 

"I will try my best,"

"I expect no less from you. I heard a lot about you from elder Wang and elder Ren. We wanted to choose Hyun Hae, but she has already reached rank 2, and we can't let her fight Yen Hu, who is at the rank 1 peak stage. And as you are at rank 1 third stage, you should not have any problems." Elder Ene motivated Yang Zhai. 

Elder Ene was an understanding person, he did not even once ask Yang Zhai how he reached the third stage that quickly. He knew that there were many methods in this world that could help a person advance. And it was not possible for Yang Zhai to reach the third stage this quickly with his talent, he had definitely used some methods to advance, but he didn't ask Yang Zhai if Yang Zhai himself did not say anything.

"You should try to stall the battle as much as possible. I don't think that this Yang Zhai kid has much in him, you should play with him. After all, nobody is your equal in Rank 1, even my son can't do anything to you. When I signal for you to win, you can do whatever you want to do with the kid, but don't kill him, remember this," Elder Jun instructed Yen Hu in a low voice that was only audible to Yen Hu. 

Both Jun Nie and Yen Hu stood at the side away from the others and talked to each other. To the others, it looked like Jun Nie was instructing Yen Hu on how to win.

"Both of you, get ready and remember that you are not allowed to use any techniques or Kas," Elder Shu asked Yang Zhai and Yen Hu to get in the circle and also told them that they were not allowed to use any kind of technique or Ka. 

After a while, Yang Zhai and Yen Hu stood in a circle. This circle was drawn by elder Shu for Yang Zhai and Yen Hu's fight.

Elder Jun signaled for the battle to commence.

Both Yen Hu and Yang Zhai ran toward each other. 

Yen Hu moved his right hand behind him whilst running and smiled. 

Yang Zhai also smiled after seeing this and did the same thing as Yen Hu. 

When Yen Hu saw this, he stopped smiling: What is he trying to do?

When both of them reached each other, Yen Hu moved his right hand to attack Yang Zhai. However, Yang Zhai did not dodge the attack and moved his own right hand toward Yen Hu's left hand.

Yang Zhai grabbed Yen Hu's left fist that was coming from below to attack Yang Zhai's face, with his own right hand. 

It turned out that Yen Hu was just pretending when he moved his right hand behind his back, but in reality, he was going to attack with his left hand. 

Yen Hu did this to take Yang Zhai's attention to focus on his right hand. This was a very common trick, and also very useful. Any other inexperienced kid would have focused on Yen Hu's right hand, fearing that Yen Hu was going to attack with his right hand; however, Yen Hu's opponent was Yang Zhai, who was very experienced In battle. He understood from the beginning what Yen Hu was up to, after all, they were forbidden from using any kind of techniques, and Kas, then what attack could Yen Hu use by moving his hand behind his back?

Even the so-called magicians used this trick on earth. They would move their one hand to take the audience's attention, and then would do the trick they were supposed to with the other hand whilst the audience's attention was distracted.

As Yen Hu was going to attack with his left hand, he could not put enough strength in his right hand to attack Yang Zhai with a powerful fist, thus, he stopped. If he had attacked, then he would be unable to do anything with both hands for two to three seconds, giving Yang Zhai enough time. He wanted to keep his right hand free to defend against Yang Zhai's attack. After all, his left hand was grabbed by Yang Zhai's right hand.

Yang Zhai tried to kick Yen Hu's stomach with his right foot, but it was countered by Yen Hu's left leg. Yang Zhai did not stop and kicked again; however, the result was the same.

Yang Zhai did not attack more, he knew that it was not going to work. It seemed like Yen Hu's body was tough enough to endure Yang Zhai's attack.

Instead, Yang Zhai moved his left arm to Yen Hu's right arm and pinched with all his might. He knew that attacking Yen Hu anywhere else would be useless because his right hand was still free to defend. So, he did a little trick of pinching.

Even though Yen Hu was aloof, he was not resistant to pain. Even if he managed to hold himself from making any sound, he still attacked Yang Zhai with his right hand desperately to free his left hand. However, Yang Zhai moved his head slightly to the side to avoid Yen Hu's punch.

When Yen Hu saw this, he attacked Yang Zhai's chest. Yang Zhai endured the attack and hurriedly kicked Yen Hu at the same time. 

Yen Hu's punch landed on Yang Zhai's chest and Yang Zhai's kick landed on Yen Hu's stomach. Both of them were pushed back from the impact.

Yen Hu was still aloof and did not say anything. He did not seem to care much and ran toward Yang Zhai again.

Yang Zhai did not do that. He turned around and ran in the opposite direction. After he was close enough to the circle, he began to run again whilst remaining close to the circle. Yen Hu ran after Yang Zhai as well.

After that Yang Zhai kept on running and his speed was decreasing so slowly that Yen Hu could not sense it. This way, Yan Hu was getting closer to Yang Zhai slowly, but surely. When Yang Zhai felt that Yen Hu was close to him, he suddenly turned around and ran toward Yeh Hu. 

There was only a three-meter distance between Yang Zhai and Yen Hu, so, Yen Hu did not have the time to dodge or react to the situation properly.

Yang Zhai jumped and kicked Yen Hu heavily in the stomach. Yang Zhai did not kick him in the face because there was a chance that Yen Hu might dodge the kick and if that happened, Yang Zhai would be giving Yen Hu enough time to attack Yang Zhai, while he was in the air. 

Yang Zhai always planned his move before attacking. It could be said that it was his battle instinct that could react automatically in seconds. He would always try to go for a hundred percent chance of success or at least, he would make sure to attack where he could get the most and with the highest chance of success.

Yang Zhai's kick successfully landed on Yen Hu and sent him flying. 

Yen Hu was about to go out of the circle when he flipped in the air and landed on the ground. His right foot touched the circle line and was almost out of the circle. However, he stopped and hurriedly got away from the circle line to not give Yang Zhai any chance of taking advantage of the situation.

"I am impressed by your fighting style. It is very unique and every one of your moves is well executed, it is almost like you are predicting my every move. Tell me the truth, for how many years have you been training, and who is your master?" Yen Hu praised Yang Zhai, he was impressed by Yang Zhai's fighting style. It was almost like Yang Zhai could see through every one of his moves.
